Gordon Lightfoot 1938 - 2023

Mark Richards

Dec 31, 2017
Somewhere Near Nashville
Gear owned
DP-24 |40-4 MTR |M30
A master storyteller and musician.
Rick Beato's video says it better than I ever might.
I'm ALREADY a fan of Canadian talent, having been anointed a drooling RUSH fanboi from teenage-hood...

But I was a GLightfoot fan before I ever even heard of RUSH. He was a lovely person, a vastly underrated talent, and his music was in a class by itself.
I also -eventually - came to appreciate him as an absolute STUD 12-string player.
Even being the biggest music-fanboi around...it astonishes me that there's lines/riffs/arrangements/etc in his songs that absolutely makes the hair on my arms stand up - after listening to them non-stop for going on FIFTY YEARS.

And - NO surprise - talking music doesn't get much better than Rick Beato - IMHO, the single best thing y/tube has to offer, especially since they decided to become a low-rent trailer-trash version of tiktok, in an effort to remain "competitive".
Unlike the vast wasteland of content-hawrs, the only thing that matters to me IS in fact content - quality content. Like Rick Beato. Like Lexington Lab Band.
Just the WORDS "Mr. Beast" make me throw up in my mouth a little...o_O
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I just watched a documentary about him on Amazon prime last night. Dude was still gigging in his 80's.
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Not sure. I only know his popular songs and never listened to his albums. He's quite the wordsmith per that documentary.
Not sure. I only know his popular songs and never listened to his albums. He's quite the wordsmith per that documentary.
I've been listening to him since I was a kid - and he was half the age I am now!
I strongly recommend exploring his body of work. He is VASTLY underrated - possibly among the best Canadian artists ever. He's written lines of lyrics that are beyond poetic, and his guitar playing was sublime. And that voice...
I might. I can't say that I'm a Folk fan because I lean towards music with faster tempo. I have Cat Stevens Catch A Bull at Four CD and have been into that album since I was a kid thanks to my parents. He does have a few faster paced songs on that one. Great album.

I recently bought a best of Joni Mitchell cd that I just can't get into. One of my brother's is into a lot of Americana and he has exposed me to a good bit of it. Another genre that I can't seem to get interested in. Maybe Folk and Americana is for deeper thinkers than myself?