MU-1000 Monitoring output levels. And, TC/Locate/Lock operation?

I've got the TMC on my desktop but never use it. I rarely (as in never) change my settings in the DM. For me I don't need to. If someone can send me any kind of file that would help me get this meter bridge operational that would be great. After my last post I remembered another resource that can help me get the PT routing selections straightened out since he went to school learning Pro Tools. Between whats been instructed on this string and his skill in PT I'm very sure he can get PT set-up. Once that happens I'll come back to the forum because I'm pretty sure he has no expertise in what I'm trying to accomplish.

One final set of questions though regarding PT routing. Do I change the output channels in I/O under Settings from stereo to mono and likewise renumber from 1-2, 3-4 to 1,2,3,4 etc.? OR do I change the outputs in the Mix window renumbering the outs to 1,2,3,4 etc. relative to the appropriate channel? OR do I change both? I think I tried this once and of course it didn't work. Logically, to me, you'd have to change both but now I've lost all confidence in my line of thinking and I'm trying to figure out how to acquire a passion for ditch-digging.
I don't think I'll be able to get to my studio and generate the TPI file today, but I do have more time tomorrow.

As for changing tracks from stereo to mono or vice versa, there's no need to do that. Mono tracks will use up one channel and stereo tracks will use up 2. So, a song with 8 mono tracks and 3 stereo tracks will display their outputs over 14 channels. This all presumes that you assign each mono track and stereo track to their own independent channels. But no need to worry about that if your friend knows PT. He should be able to properly assign the output channels.

One more thing about all this: what I'm suggesting is not arcane or difficult to set up. It's just that it's a part of Pro Tools that you've not used before, so it just sounds more complicated than it is. Once your friend has set up one track in front of you and explained what he's doing, I suspect you'll understand it and be able to set up the rest.
SKIER.. I'm sorry to hear that you're giving up. The "Windows" key is the key on your PC keyboard that has the Windows logo on it. It's usually between the Ctrl and the Alt keys. You press it down and while holding it, click on the additional destination to which you want to send the track's output.
This is where some of the confusion came from. I run a Mac. I don't know if there is a corresponding key in the Mac world. And, the "PC keyboard....." went right past me.
Since I found a PT expert here locally I'm hoping I can get that part of the equation set. I don't like giving up on anything I'm challenged with but since I can't get any Tascam help locally I have to rely on the wizards on this Forum. If you guys can't push me through then the only sensible thing for me is to move on. Thnx much, far.
Yes Skier...hopefully he'll shine a light on my dim brain. BTW, back to trying to get the clock to display ANYTHING other than -- -- -- -- . I found a Youtube video where the guy goes through the steps in Pro Tools to activate the clock on the meter bridge. Worked for him. Followed all the steps exactly and still not working here. He did not go through settings on DM. I went to the Options page on the DM and fiddled around there but no dice. Where else besides the Options page on the DM? thnx. ds
@myrideisa Care to share that YT video with us? Thank you
This is where some of the confusion came from. I run a Mac. I don't know if there is a corresponding key in the Mac world. And, the "PC keyboard....." went right past me.

I can see how that would be confusing. I think that on a Mac, you press and hold the CTRL key to send one track to additional outputs. So, to send a track to the first output, just click on that output. But when you want to add a 2nd or more outputs, then you hold down the CTRL key to add additional outs.
Yes Skier...hopefully he'll shine a light on my dim brain. BTW, back to trying to get the clock to display ANYTHING other than -- -- -- -- . I found a Youtube video where the guy goes through the steps in Pro Tools to activate the clock on the meter bridge. Worked for him. Followed all the steps exactly and still not working here. He did not go through settings on DM. I went to the Options page on the DM and fiddled around there but no dice. Where else besides the Options page on the DM? thnx. ds

I'll need to research this because I don't recall how I selected the TC setting for the time display rather than Locate or Lock. I'll look into this tomorrow. If anyone knows how, please chime in.
This thread is miss-categorized. This isn't an MU-1000 issue and forget TMC and Pro Tools as they have nothing to do with your problem. Your IF-FW/DM-MKii drivers are not working with the OS. The driver app shows "No Device Found" at :50. You need to fix this issue first. Your FW card isn't communicating with your MAC. Until you resolve the issue, you won't be able to route audio to and from your mixer to the MAC. Are you using the latest MAC beta version of the IF-FW/DM-MKii driver (V1.30f10) which is located in the FTP site? (See Windows 10 Compatibility sticky for FTP credentials). Once you fix the problem you will see the 32 inputs/outputs available in your Pro Tools audio setup.
Are you addressing me? Not sure. FW 1.10 with FW/DM-MKii driver (V1.30f10) installed. PT12 and High Sierra. Audio to and from PT and the DM work. Stereo meters on MU-1000 fire. In PT, 1-2 out assigned to channels 47 and 48 on the DM work and also on the meter bridge on meter layer 25-48. Using the DM I can change meter layers and also metering points on the meter bridge. I cannot get channels 1-24 to indicate, can't get the clock to work or change TC, LOCATE, or LOCK (on the meter bridge). Whatever I've tried to change in the DM and PT has had no effect on getting the clock to work or channels 1-24 to show up on the meter bridge.
Thoughts? Thnx!! ... ds
@myrideisa Sorry, yes I was addressing you. I assumed the video you posted was yours...If that video was your system, then the driver for the MK-ii isn't working.

Now that I've read your initial post, it sounds like you want the output of your DAW displaying on your MU-1000. Generally speaking, if you want to accomplish this you will need to route your DAW tracks and/or stems to the mixer. This will require you to route your DAW tracks in PT (output configuration via firewire) to channels on the DM (input tab in the DM's routing menu). Note that Remote Layer can not monitor DAW output.

Now......if you swear you are doing all that correctly and you are still not seeing output signal from your DAW on layer 1-24, then perhaps there is a hardware issue with the MU-1000 or it's cable.
  • Do all of the LED's light up on the MU-1000 on initial boot up? (this is meant to test the LED's). Do you see channels 1-24 light up?
  • If you plug a mic/instrument in any of your 24 input channels, are you seeing INPUT signal on the MU-1000?
  • If you route DAW tracks correctly to 1-24 on the mixer, is it showing input signal on the DM's LCD meter screen but not on the MU-1000?
  • If you are seeing signal on 1-24 on the DM but not the MU-1000 and you've confirmed the LED's on the MU-1000 all light up on boot up, then maybe it's a cable issue. Perhaps one of the pins is damaged affecting output signal. The cable is a standard DB25 male/male printer cable if you wanted to rule that out by trying another cable without spending a lot.
Time Clock needs to use Tascam MIDI Port 3 so you will need to configure that in PT somewhere for it to display on the MU-1000 and make sure USB Port 3 is enabled on the DM in the MIDI setup menu. If it was configured and displaying already on your DM without the MU-1000 then that's more than half the battle. I forget if there is a TC setting in the DM that needs to be changed for it to display on the MU-1000. I vaguely remember there are settings and will have to investigate.
Ok....we're getting closer. At this point I gotta believe that the MU-1000 & cable are good to go. I did record a midi keyboard patch. Volume level meters while recording and playback works on the appropriate channel on the MB. Did this for 4 different tracks and 4 different midi devices and it works. So, routing the outs in PT need to be changed as you said. I imported 10 different wav files to 10 new tracks in PT and tried changing the routings under the I/O tab in PT but that didn't do anything. I really don't know what I'm doing as far as routing assignments in PT. Last week, I set up an appointment for tomorrow evening with a guy who is a PT certified user/instructor so maybe after that session I can get further down the road routing-wise.

Now, I did what I could do regarding the clock on the MB. Nothing changed. Up to this point the settings within the DM have never had to be diddled because it was working the way I wanted it to work. But when you pointed out that the USB port had to be adjusted in the MIDI set up menu I discovered I was in trouble. I have the dreaded DM display failure. And wouldn't you know the settings you mentioned are almost obliterated because of the lines and pixel issues that most everyone knows about. Looking at the DM manual I was able to see what that window is supposed to look like in the DM but I really can't be positive where the checks are or aren't looking at the DM display. I tried to change by trial and error but nothing is changing on the MB. I guess....if I can get the levels on the bridge to display I'll have to call that good for the present until I find $$ in the budget to get the fix from 2seemy and also the courage to break into the DM to install. I've seen the show and tell video on how to do this and I believe I can do it but the stress level...... I believe that I have visited all of the pages available in Pro Tools to set up a port for USB3 and hopefully that PT guy will help in this area also. Thnx much for getting me further down the road. ds


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You didn’t answer any of my questions or provide any results to the test scenarios I bulleted so its not clear to me what you’ve ruled out. Maybe the PT guy can help but unless he is familiar with the DM, I’m not sure what insight he will be able to provide. Power through and learn the routing on the DM. Good luck.
Do all of the LED's light up on the MU-1000 on initial boot up? Yes.
If you plug a mic/instrument in any of your 24 input channels, are you seeing INPUT signal on the MU-1000? Yes. Record and playback...I get levels on the MB.
If you route DAW tracks correctly to 1-24 on the mixer, is it showing input signal on the DM's LCD meter screen but not on the MU-1000? This is why I have that PT guy come over to give me some help. I've tried doing that but I'm doing something wrong or leaving something out.
I don't need to deal with the last bullet point because from what I've done so far there is no problem with the meter bridge.

I'm sorry. I should have answered your first set of bullet points in this fashion. If you would have read my obviously too long and jumbled/dis-organized statements in my previous post....well...I thought I made it clear and apparently I did not. My fault and definitely not yours. Sorry.

I really don't expect the PT guy to be able to help me with the clock issue but I'm pretty sure that the routing from PT to the DM and then the meter bridge will be solved with his help. He's a very sharp guy.

Here's what the pic of the meter bridges is showing. The stereo output. And, channels 47 and 48 on the DM. And as before, I am able to change the meter level and the metering points on the meter bridge via the DM. Still can't figure out how to get that clock to work.

Thnx for your help. I'm making frustrating slow progress but it's progress. So thank you for your patience. Of course, I'll come back to this thread after the PT guy visits tomorrow night.


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One last clarification. The meter bridge is plug and play. There’s no “routing to the meter bridge”. Whatever the DM’s monitor menu or the TMC meter bridge shows will be automatically displayed on the MU-1000.
Oh yeah. I know. It states in the one page instruction sheet for the MB that the settings have to be done in the DM. Since I don't know about everything in PT concerning routings I thought I should bring the PT guy out and instruct and explain a couple of routing concepts.

As you suspected, the PT guy couldn't help. Well, except he did explain a couple of things routing-wise that I really wasn't sure of within PT but he concluded that settings have to be found and changed in the DM. Don't know if I want to go down that road. Maybe. I mean, PT and the DM work great together now. MB looks to be a luxury that probably won't work for me and my application. Whatever.

I now have to budget for the 2Seemy upgrade. This display is unreadable in the places I need to read. Thnx for your help and direction so far. Wish you lived next door. ds

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