Setting up Machine CTRL and headphone amp

Umh well regardless of what you may have offered up, the second you start personally insulting me for no reason then I'm just going to call it like I see it. You basically sat there and called me lazy and insinuated that I'm a complete moron. Not too friendly of a thing to say to a new member in an online community...

Am I a fucking idiot when it comes to reading manuals and understanding technical jargon and the likes? You bet ya. I've tried to read the manual, it's a bit over my head. I also do not have a lot of time to commit to it currently or try to understand the lingo... Hence why I came here and started this thread, so that maybe someone could break it down in laymans terms and just help me get it going...

What I need from this machine is very little. Currently it's recording audio for me, I've managed to get it that far... I just need to know what i have to do to be able to connect the boards faders to the faders in cubase... For hands on mixing and the occasional hands on automation... That's it, nothing more than that. It can't be that hard to get that going...
You don't need to be personally offended - this forum simply assumes people research their issues before coming here and asking questions. You don't have to be gear savvy at all to simply use the search in a pdf and typing 'USB'. BTW, it's next to the board's power connection.

And saying you don't have much time for it currently or try to learn the lingo is not really helping your case at all. You don't have time so it's easier to try and get other people to commit their time? The word's been used before so I won't repeat, but it starts with an L. Try again the tutorial you already mentioned - it's all in there.
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I don't consider it lazy but whatever... (I'm not gonna go into it but if you knew my current personal situation you'd understan what I mean). I just wanna set it up and use it how I intend to. I don't like sitting around reading manuals trying to wrap my head around the technical end of everything (I don't know what AUX or BUS or any of that stuff means). That's not forte or personal strength. I just wanna know what I need to have and what buttons I have to push to set it up like so... That' why there are people like you guys who understand this stuff and can usually explain it to dummies like me so that we can spend more time using the machine instead of trying to dissect every aspect of it = )
As I said (politely and helpfully) earlier, to get remote control working you need to connect the USB port on your DM to a USB port on your computer. Any USB port on your computer will do as it's only USB 1.

After you have done that there will be some configurations needed in your DAW (did you say Cubase?) and in the DM. Most of these are in the tutorial mentioned above.

For better or worse the DM manual is sometimes difficult to understand - but the more you read it the more you will understand the complexities of the DM - and you have a very complex digital router there, so you will need to become fluent with terms such as AUX and BUSS etc to get functionality you are after. You've done well so far to get audio happening - keep at it.
Ok, thanks to you guys and the tutorial (as well as this guys vid on youtube:
) I was able to get it hooked up as intended.

When people say USB, I think of the end of a flash drive... I forget that there is another type of USB connector... the whole time I was looking for the rectangular slot like you'd stick a flash drive into, and then when I looked back there a few minutes ago I saw the more squarish input... that's my bad.

I'm unaware if a Midi cable is necessary but I went ahead and bought one anyway and hooked it up as mentioned in the above video around 4:00. Anyhow, hooked up both cables, went through the tutorial again and my projects and totally in sync with the board.

I guess what screwed me up is that I thought that you could go with either just a USB cable or Firewire to connect to the computer... I didn't realize you'd need both or at the very least the USB cable. Also, when I went into Cubase to sync the board with the program, it was listing "Tascam DM-4800 DM-4800Remote Port 3" or 2 or 1.... Not "Tascam DM-4800 Port 7" or 6 or 5 like the tutorial was saying... I went ahead and just chose the ones available, which seemed to do the trick.

Either way, it appears to be doing exactly what I was wanting to be able to do with it. Thanks again guys.
"(as well as this guys vid on youtube:...)

For the record that guy is Jamsire, who posted on the previous headphone amp question earlier on this thread. He's done some great DM videos, worked hard getting them to completion, and deserves to be frequently recognized for his efforts.


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