SX-1 spare parts


Sep 25, 2012
Outside the Emerald City
I am moving a long,long way soon, and have two boxes of spare parts for the SX-1. I used to work on them and had a complete set of PCBS for troubleshooting. There are also multiple video cards,SCSI cards,motherboards, Seagate shock mounted hard drives, 4 carriers with SCSI HDs ,2 9 gb and 2 36GB, and other various PCBs. I used to own the SE version and collected spare cards over the years. I would like for them to go to someone who knows the value instead of me taking to the elec.recycler. As far as I know they all work. Contact me with a price via PM.
I’d be interested in any effects boards you have! PM me...
Hello Hubert. Please PM me. I have a original Mother PCB.All the versions of the SX-1 used the same M/B. Do you need the CPU?
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I saw your message. If you have an original Mother PCB I would be so happy if you can help me. I would need the CPU and anything that will make my machine work again. You told me to PM you and I hope you get this message. I can give you my email address too if it will help me. Please please
Hey Hubert. I can sell you a M/B for $200. This will include the CPU and memory. Please send e-mail address if you are interested.

If you have and of the digital effects boards, I’d be interested in buying. Let me know if you have any and your price!

The DSP board(s) would be the ticket, although a spare UIF and M4 would be good to have on hand.

Let me know!