System Information Folder DP32SD


Feb 23, 2019
Gear owned
244 DP32
I had a strange thing happen with an SD card I am using with my DP32SD. I found that the MUSIC folder had been moved to the System Info Folder on the card. It must have been me being a bit sloppy with the laptop - it has a poor touch pad and I sometimes find I have moved files or folders accidentally on the computer. First time this has happened on the DP32 card though. Normally it is easy enough to move things back but it seems that if this happens with the system info file you are stuck - you can't move anything out of it. I found the only solution was to format another card and move the files from the music folder out out of the system folder of the problematic card into this. I've had to reformat the original card as the songs couldn't be read. I wonder if this has happened to anyone else and if there is a smarter way to fix this if it happens again?
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@Findlay -- First, sorry to hear that happened. That made for a bit more effort than you were probably every expecting, eh?

I suspect that the system info file may be a specific file, written to the card by the DP-32SD at the time of formatting. When certain files are accidentally moved, the "move back" is actually in a different place on the card's allocated space. So the DP-32SD wouldn't allow it because it allocates that location on the card for it's own management, not for management on a computer.

You did a great job describing the situation and it's not strange, really, at all. This would be expected behavior for specific files needing to be in a specific area of the card's allocated space.

It also sounds like you handled correcting it exactly as you should have. Copying your song files to a new location and reformatting the card in the DP-32SD will get the allocation and structure correct again. Then copy the song files back to the card.

Sounds like it's best to use a mouse with that laptop. :)
I have an Asus laptop that has a very sensitive trackpad. I adjusted the trackpad sensitivity to make it slower and that helped a lot.
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Ouch! Sorry that happened @Findlay but glad you are back in action.
Glad you got it sorted. This is one of the drawbacks of 'drag & drop'. It may be very convenient, but even using a mouse, it's all too easy to 'drop' a file/folder into the wrong place.
The drag/drop method also has the sometimes confusing behaviour between copying and moving. The former leaves the original files/folders intact, but the latter removes them, which is catastrophic if you accidentally move files from a device such as the Tascam machine or a camera where the device's own index file is now out of step with the actual files.
Depending on your computer and operating system, dragged items are normally 'copied' if the source and destination are on different devices, but they are 'cut' if dragging within the same device. You can sometimes override this by pressing and holding the Control key or the Shift key to force the mode one way or the other. On linux, you can configure a drag/drop operation to ask you at the point of dropping whether you want to copy or move.
To avoid all ambiguity, my recommendation is to use one of the alternative methods for copying/moving files around. Depending on your computer and operating system, there may be options on the tool menu for the 3 explicit operations copy, cut and paste, or even 'copy to' and 'move to'. You may also be able to right-click to reveal similar commands.
Thanks for your comments guys. I don't feel quite so daft now and hopefully this will help someone else who encounters it. I'm so grateful for the help on the forum. David Porter first kindly answered all my questions about the DP32sd a few years back and I've enjoyed every moment of using it. During lockdown and since I've recorded over 120 numbers and am still amazed at what can be achieved with it. I only have a very modest sound system for playback but I've sent a few songs to a mate who has a really fancy hi-fi, including some Neumann active monitors (over £10,000 a set.....) and he tells me the sound quality is very good.

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