Controlling Pro Tools 12.5 with DM3200 Troubleshooting


New Member
Sep 19, 2016
Gear owned
Hello Friends,

This is my first post on the Tascam forum. I recently got a fantastic deal on a used DM3200. I'm using an iMac and running ProTools 12.5 and I'm hoping to start using the DM3200 as a control surface. And, when I can find the FW, also as an interface.

I followed the instructions in the manual and online to the best of my ability and am still having problems. I first went to the remote external control and selected the 16 HUI Emulate. Also, went to the machine control screen and selected the M HUI Emulate. We also checked the TRA button and it is selected.

I went into ProTools>Set Up>Peripherals>Midi Device>DM3200 Remote Port 1 & 2, which is the setting I was given for Mac (vs. 5 & 6 for PC). It shows this as being set up in my peripherals menu. I'm getting no error message from ProTools that it can't read the HUI, but I have no fader control or encoder control. I do have transport control.

What step(s) am I missing?

Thank you so much!
First off make sure the DM3200 USB plugged into your iMac and is functioning. Did you go to the site and read the Pro-Tools Setup PDF in the download section for the DM3200? You should be using USB MIDI ports 5 & 6 for Mac as shown on page 3. As far as I know, the port usage is hard coded. Look at the DM3200 MIDI menu. USB MIDI ports have specific function that can't be changed so using Ports 1 & 2 for control surface makes no sense. USB Ports 5 & 6 should be used for HUI and USB Port 3 should be used for MTC. You should definitely check the DM3200 MIDI setup and make sure all MIDI ports are enabled (which is the default setting).


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Maybe a dumb question, but did you press the Remote button on the Tascam? It's the bottom one of all the Layer buttons. You can't use HUI to control Pro Tools unless you select Remote.
You can't use HUI either if you configure your DAW with the wrong MIDI ports.

@Cory did you make any progress using the documentation provided?
Hey there, I'm having similar issues. DM3200 is sending and receiving over ports 5 & 6 but I only have the option for ports 1 & 2 in Protools peripherals. Is this something to do with my Macbook pro? How do I make ports 5 & 6 active?
Provided that you've plugged in your USB from your DM to the Mac, you should see all ports. There is no activating.
Hi, this is first time for me here, hello to everyone. I'm italian and so I ask you sorry for my writing!! I have bought a used Tascam DM 3200 just few days ago ( with the
and I have a PC working with windows 7
I'm not able to select the button LAYER STATUS, I can't reach the REMOTE SCREEN ON DM. I have the button "Alt" switched but every button I switch it is always on the CH 1-16. Do you know if it is a problem about my configuration or something else?
@Danno Buona giornata amico mio. First off, welcome to our DM world. The "Alt" button really has no bearing on selecting the different layers. You are rederring to the layer buttons located to the right of the fader banks, correct?

As far as I know they do not have to be used in combination with any other button(s). Perhaps the layer selection buttons could use a good contact cleaner.
Thank you @Peter Batah, I'm just doing this now, I'm using contact cleaner on this button! Yes, I'm talking about the layer buttons located to the right of the fader banks! The guy who sold me this mixer told me that if I'm not able to do the right settings the Remote button doesn't work, it seems so strange to me! I'm not able to open the remote screen on DM. I have to do something special to reacho for this screen??
I've just finished cleaning the mixer but still is not working!
@Danno What exactly do you mean when you say that you cannot open the "Remote Screen". Are you referring to the Remote setup section on the DM (ALT-REMOTE)


  • TAB 1 - MC Setup.png
    TAB 1 - MC Setup.png
    5.4 KB · Views: 18
  • TAB 2 - MACHINE CTRL.png
    TAB 2 - MACHINE CTRL.png
    7.2 KB · Views: 25
  • TAB 3 - EXT CTRL - HUI.png
    TAB 3 - EXT CTRL - HUI.png
    6.4 KB · Views: 23
  • TAB 4 - Control.png
    TAB 4 - Control.png
    5.8 KB · Views: 16
@Danno Have you considered running a diagnostics test?

Also, running a full test can be useful, where also all buttons and faders are tested. Use the Diagnostic Test mode as illustrated below. To get into this mode (also factory reset here), power up the mixer while holding down SHIFT and OUTPUT ASSIGN 1 and 2 buttons.
ok, i've done every kind of test in diagnostic,
I've seen on COMMUNICATION TEST the usb connection diagnostic is failure! It says to me TIME OUT ! I have my usb midi cable correctly plugged and TM companion works fine. My problem is that My section of LAYER STATUS button works only CH-16, if I press CH-17/32 anything happens, if I press BUSS 1-16 anything happens, if I press AUX 1-8 anything happens, if I press REMOTE anything happens and so Iìm not able to open Remote Control on the display of my DM.
@Danno Have you performed a factory reset? If so, then it sounds like you are most likely having issues with the main board. But, that is just my opinion of course. I'm sorry that I could not be of more help.
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I've done factory reset, nothing is changed! In the comunication test (on "diagnostics") I always fail the USB TEST. Maybe is a problem about my usb in my PC?
@Danno I would try another PC or laptop if you have access to one. Another cable as well!
I've tried with another cable. Now usb test in DIAGNOSTICS is going ok! If I do the test with TMC Companion opened comunication is good! I would ask you about the Remote button in the LAYER STAUS at the bottom of the mixer. If I switch this with ALT the remote control on the display of DM should open? So if this doesn't happen to me it means that is damaged?? Or if I don't set up the configuration in the right way this button doesn't work?
@Danno When I depress the remote layer button the button turns red and I am now in the remote layer fader bank. I never used the ALT button in combination with the remote layer fader selection button. I do not understand why you are focused on the ALT button. You may have already noticed that the buttons in the section where the ALT button is located serve a dual function. This is what the ALT key was designed for. To cycle through the dual functions. Of course you would need to configure the remote parameters in that section in order for you to use the remote layer fader bank with the DAW of your choice.

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