DM4800 and C7 routing template HELP please


Oct 13, 2013
Gear owned
DM 4800
Hi guys can you please help me with routing. Ive tried almost everything but im now lost.
I have DM with FW 32 in/out card. and meterbridge. Im setting up mixing template for Cubase with DM - 4800 but i cant figure out how to print EQ and dynamic.
Let say i have in C7 two audio tracks KCK in / KCK out sending to bus KICK.
Bus KICK has output to FW 1. So i have now signal visual. Im also sending KICK to Submix Print. I can hear but i cant print changes on EQ.
In have set in C7 as Main Out ch 31/32. Id try to set in Output Slot bus/dir , slot trk. Ive also tried send on DM ch1 KICK to bus but still i cant print EQ. Other things im trying to figure out is if i can route let say all FW IN to two FW OUT.

"im trying to figure out is if i can route let say all FW In to two FW OUT"

Yes. Best way is to use the INPUT BYPASS method:

Hit: Routing, Tab 3 (OUTPUT SLOT). Choose which pair of outputs you wish to send your inputs to. I'll assume you want to send a stereo mix of the combined inputs - say - back to Cubase. If you've set up your Firewire inteface to send 32 tracks to and from your DAW (some people prefer to reduce CPU load by restricting outputs to the computer to 16), pick - say - Channels 31/32. (Make these a STEREO PAIR if a stereo signal is desired).

Next: atop the routing screen are several options. Using the POD knob, choose 'STEREO' (then hit ENTER). With Channel 31 selected, on the console (and in the 2nd bank row atop menu: inputs 17-32) rotate your SHUTTLE WHEEL on the selected until you see: STL (stereo left side). Hit ENTER. Then, cursor down to Channel 32, shuttle wheel until you see STR (stereo right side). Hit ENTER.

At this point, you're told your DM to send the combined channels running out of the box from Cubase, into the DM4800, then outboard back to Cubase, using the DM's OUTPUTS ON SLOT1 - CHANNELS 31 & 32. (the outbound channels in your Firewire card). This is just one of many scenarios; any channel can be sent outboard through any of the 32 Firewire channel Output SLOTS.

Finally, you need to designate two RECEIVING CHANNELS (another stereo pair if that's required) in Cubase. Then, pick INPUTS 31/32 from the DM as the signal source.

As for your first question, I'm going to leave that one alone. For one thing, I'm not sure what you're asking, and second, I'm not an advocate of printing EQ or Dynamics on tracks. But I hope this has been of some help anyway.

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Many thanks CaptDan, I'll try it now.
To my first Q. What i try to achieve is mixing on board with using EQ, Gates and Compresors if is needed like on analog board for faster workflow combined with plugins. Template im trying to make will be only for mixing. I would like to have an option to print all treatment from desk to submix. I was now able to print BUS (kick) with board EQ to new audio track by using AUX 1 from channel. I'll see if i will be able to apply for all mix.
Okay, I understand your terminology now. I'm seriously considering doing an instruction video for advanced users of the DM - and how mixing out of the box can be an advantage by allowing the use of DAW plugins for 'tone', and the DM's EQ/Dynamics for 'surgery' and 'sculpting.' The goal, as always, is to achieve the cleanest, deepest mixes possible, and I firmly believe the careful use of all available tools goes a long way to achieving that end.
Video will be absolutely great :) but even some kind of instructional light manual will be handy to just get an idea of possibilities on this desk, even there is lot of great articles on this forum i learned from. And sorry for my English.:)
Thanks CaptDan
The Tascam DM 3200/4800 manuals are fine for reference and getting a start on the many features available. The addendum manuals - for specific DAW/MMC setup, interfaces (Firewire, etc) - are okay in the same way. But, most of the material is written in such a way that it expects you to already know certain things. If you've spent considerable time with other digital audio consoles, that may not be much of a problem. But people who're new to the DM, as well as digital boards in general, have a harder time grasping the routing concepts. That's why I think videos are helpful, if they're done right (like Jamsire's projects), showing a step by step approach with plenty of instructions, simplified as much as possible.

Don't worry about your English; there are DM users from all around this planet. The more who visit here, the better. :)

Here is just small update on my journey to print EQ :) Like i had find before about AUX for 1 track it work as i need for mix now. I'll see if i will need some changes later because template would not be simple. I Hope. :) For now i made AUX 1-2 stereo and in batch for AUX 1-2 i had send all channels at 0.0 dB into. I will kick out later those i don't need. Thanks to help from CaptDan I get an idea and I've set in OUTPUT SLOT ch. 31-32 which are in C7 as Submix to send out AUX 1-2. Now i'm able to print anything to stereo Submix Track. Still have problem with STUDIO in C7 but i leave this for tomorrow. Setting mix for Tracking was easy but for comfortable mixing i had 2 hard days. (Don't laught) :) and more days like that front of me. :) I saw than Mr.Jamsire will publish soon new video so i'm looking forward to it. If is any better way to do it let me know please.

EDIT: Its just not working :(
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Stan, just a small tip: I think your problem regarding STUDIO in Cubase is probably that you have the Cubase Control Room function on. I would advise you to switch if off, since certainly with an outboard mixer like the DM, it will unnecessarily complicate things. IMO, it's a nice function for those with only an audio interface, but you'll have enough learning curve as it is, getting to know this great mixer.
Hi ArjanP its about metering. Last night i was able to set up signal out as described by CaptDan but there is one thing. On DM4800 is STEREO in SOURCE SELECT and not under INPUT BYPASS. Im able to record with EQ with CaptDan setting but in C7 meters are showing original signal witch is useless for metering because i dont have proper reading. In CR small meters show proper metering but big meter is showing original values from C7. Im hopeless :( nothing is working for me and im already tired to make it work. Already spending 3 days with no results with something that should be done in few minutes. What im doing wrong ?
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Stereo Source Select is, in this case, the same as Input Bypass: you're bypassing the DM's Channel Modules. That means the fader, EQ, Dynamics and Aux settings in the selected channels are routed OUT of the chain. Nothing is being added or subtracted from the signal going into the Firewire channels being sent to your DAW (Cubase). This is especially helpful when tracking; the source being recorded is routed directly to the Slot1/Firewire outputs. (In this scenario, you'd choose 'M/Lx (mic/line input) as the source, rather than Stereo Select. }Therefore, there's no danger of accidentally "stepping on" the audio by inadvertently pushing a fader too hot, or 'printing' an EQ or compressor/limiter to your track. What goes in - goes out the same way, unaffected by any other signal processing or element. The only element affecting the signal is the source's volume level and the physical preamp feeding the DAW channel.

Input Bypass is also the optimal way to send a mix from the DM's stereo buss back to the DAW as a part of the project file.

The opposite of that approach is to utilize the Channel Module in the signal chain, in which case the Buss/Direct/Input method would be chosen instead. However, it seems what you're asking is for a way to combine audio sources in your DM into two channels to be sent back 'dry' to Cubase. So Input Bypass allows you to do that.

I don't quite understand the issue you describe, where you presume C7's meters are displaying improper levels. Are you sure the faders in your Remote Layer are at Unity Gain (00), and those faders are actually locked to Cubase's faders which, in turn, are at "00"? If you're uncertain, you should study the Cubase 'mixer screen.'

Don't give up; you're probably just a few steps away from success.

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