Looking for TMCompanion-Debug software


New Member
May 3, 2021
Gear owned
Does anyone have or know where to download TMCompanion-Debug software.
According to the service manual it can be used to convert a DM3200 mainboard to a
Dm4800 mainboard. The image is from the service manual.


  • tmcomp-debug.jpg
    111.7 KB · Views: 13
  • dm3200to4800.jpg
    75.6 KB · Views: 13
@LLGG I am not sure if anything in this folder can be helpful. Feel free to browse through it.

TMC Misc Files
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@LLGG Always glad to be of assistance. Best of luck!
It looks like I already have all those files. So now I am going to start in the process of trying to convert a DM3200 mainboard to a DM4800 mainboard. It can be with the Debug version of TMcompanion, I have not been able to find that so far. It's looking like I am going to have to swap the DM4800 rom over to the DM3200 board. I have the skill and a smd workstation but would much rather flash the rom instead. The service manual has all the details for the procedure.
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@LLGG I will keep looking but make no guarantees. Sounds like you have your work cut out for you.
I completed the conversion of a DM3200 mainboard to a DM4800.
I moved the rom from the DM4800 board to Dm3200 board.
It seems to work now. I had it own for about two hours without issue.
I contacted Tascam about obtaining the software. They claimed that there was no documentation in the service manual detailing the conversion or software for that purpose.
So it appears they do not want to share it. Here is what is in the service manual.


  • dm3200_from_to_dm4800_main_pcba_firmware.pdf
    269.2 KB · Views: 6
Thanks LLGG - our next quest is the hardest yet… find Kazuhiko Endo! :)
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