Has any one who owns or having used a Tascam US16x08 usb interface experienced any issues with the unit not sending out or recieving in midi clock signals to or from their DAW (in my case Reaper) to there drum machine (ny case Alesis SR16 & the newer SR18) or any other midi device?
I have not have this issue with my older Mbox 3 interface, midi messages transfered well.
Sadly I have had to go back to using the Mbox till I can find a solution for the US16x08.
I just hopefully I haven't wasted my money I would be dissapointed if the Tascam is not capiable of doing such a job. which makes one ask what was the point of midi in & out socjketson in the first place.
Have email Tascam twice but they have not bothered to respond (I am not impressed).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have not have this issue with my older Mbox 3 interface, midi messages transfered well.
Sadly I have had to go back to using the Mbox till I can find a solution for the US16x08.
I just hopefully I haven't wasted my money I would be dissapointed if the Tascam is not capiable of doing such a job. which makes one ask what was the point of midi in & out socjketson in the first place.
Have email Tascam twice but they have not bothered to respond (I am not impressed).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.