Model 16 Question


New Member
Jun 5, 2016
Gear owned
Hopefully I'll ask this in the right way. Can the audio that is recorded to the SD card be edited in a DAW on a per track basis? In other words, can the individual tracks be manipulated in your DAW or does it just sum everything on the SD card to two stereo tracks?
Absolutely. In the main menu, set the Model 12 to STORAGE mode. All of the tracks plus the stereo main mix should pop up on your PC. You will go to the MTR folder, then the folder for the song. Edit to your heart's content. Remember though, you cannot change their file type (wav,) sample rate or bit depth from what they are or the Tascam will not read them again. Note: when the Tascan Model 12 is in STORAGE mode, it essentially becomes a card reader and will not perform other mixing functions until you take it out of STORAGE mode.
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@Orphan, tracks 1 to 14 can be individually recorded on SD by pushing the channel REC buttons (n. 18 in the top panel description); channels 15/16 (Main Mix) are always recorded each time you start the recording button in the transport section (n, 48 in the top panel description).
Tracks can be imported to a DAW by USB connection, or bringing the SD card to the computer; the last option is recommended for making a safety backup of the song folder before doing any relevant modification on the tracks.
Same on Model 12. The mix or MAIN is always recorded to 11/12 on the Model 12.

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