My first

@Mark Richards (blush) thank you for your kind words. That's a huge compliment coming from a professional studio owner!
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Dinked around for a while earlier
I swear there is a black cloud on me.
went into the music room to find that the cat had tipped over my bass and broke half of the nut off
I replaced it with the nut from an old bass I have kicking around
Then my tube preamp died No clue just no sound Probably the tubes
It gets hot
I have another (ART brand)that I'm not fond of at all but that's what I'm down to
But I managed to do something
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mj knows his way around a recording studio, and then some.
Greg, this is a link to his recordings, circa 1995. He's too modest to point you there, so I will:

I gotta say. Those recording are spectacularly impressive
If they were major label releases I'd be impressed.
For a home studio that is off the charts great
I just don't have the equipment or know how to get close to that
Your skills are very strong mj
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@BikerDude those tunes were cut in a big recording studio in Boston, and professionally mastered, several of them at Sony. I didn't mean to mislead you on that, but we did release them on our own private label. I did however engineer and produce those sessions. I have a lot of experience in the studio, and that's really all that it comes down to. Thanks.
@BikerDude thank you for your kind words, bro. I meant what I said: I wish I could produce for you. Thanks.

Edit: hmmmmm.... Maybe I could do a mix for you....
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Nice tunes BD. Though 3 of them say they cannot be found. Keep Our Love Alive has a Grateful Dead flavor to it. Especially the guitars. I too recently bought a DP24. Moved up from my old 488 MKII. I really like it and it is quite easy to use. Here's one I did on the 488 except the drums were added in a studio. Just a Pop Rock tune I threw together for fun.
That sounds fantastic Jim!

I'm still plugging away.
Things get a little better a bit at a time.
I'm scratching the surface with the DP32 so far.
I'm at a place where I do effects outside and just use compression in the Tascam.
Usually I'm just happy to get a song or 2 done.

Thanks for the kind words.
A Grateful Dead vibe is a good thing.

Some of the old songs have come and gone.
So the links are dead.
Thanks BD...I picked up a Roland synth a few weeks ago so now I am learning keyboards though I can play fill riffs on it. Im self taught on bass and guitar but keyboards are a whole nother animal. Had to get lessons. Also picked up EZ drummer software. Very cool but takes time to put drum tracks together clicking a mouse.. That's gonna take some practice but i'll get there
I admire your patience.
I use the cheapest electronic drum kit ever made that I got on Amazon.
I don't think I'd have the patience for the mouse clicking approach.
I'm self taught guitar and bass. The guitar thing is the battle now for me.
I used to be able to play fast on solos and have lost that entirely from lack of practice.

At some point I'm thinking that I might dip a toe into some DAW software.
Capture tracks on the Tascam and dump them out and use software to fatten them up and add polish. But it would be new to me and for now I'm content to just stay in the shallow end of the pool.
lol I hear ya. But you know if you have songs partially done you can put them on a pc, use audacity to convert to waves and move back you your dp. Then add whatever you like. I too fell out of practice on the lead guitar. Kids etc I took 15 yrs off from playing. Had to rebuild the calluses back on the fingertips. Almost like starting all over. But don't know if I will ever get the speed back. Age has a tendency to screw that up. Now I write and play just for the enjoyment. That's what its really all about...

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