Latest Firmware Caveat re "Read Timeout"?
It may be essential that the edit.sys and song.sys files be unaltered new files that can only be had by creating a new song into which the Audio Depot files must be imported.
Test Scenario
FW updated from 1.19 to 1.20
32gb Sandisk Extreme Pro 95MB/s SDHC V30 3/10
SD Card formatted under v1.19 and NOT Reformatted for v1.20
26.5gb free
Song Size:1.023gb
24 Virtual Track #1s (instruments and effects)
14 Virtual Track #2s (vocals and effects)
Multiple edits, punches, etc.
All virtual tracks had been exported, all the tracks were cleaned, and the exported tracks were imported back to the original virtual tracks (#1s and #2s) of the original song. All unused snippets are deleted from the song folder. This is my protocol for final mixdown/mastering.
Mixdown Mode Process
Consolidated 24 Virtual Track #1s in Mixdown to stereo master backing track.
Stereo Master backing track imported via Audio Depot to an empty stereo Virtual Track #2.
Consolidated 14 Virtual Tracks #2 in Mixdown to stereo master vocal track.
Stereo Master vocal track imported via Audio Depot to an empty stereo Virtual Track #2.
Stereo backing track and stereo vocal track combined in Mixtown mode to stereo master for finalization.
No issues.
Master Mode Process
Combined stereo master processed in Master mode for finalization tweaking with mild compression and EQ.
At the end of recording the finalized stereo master, the new "Read Timeout" popped up, preventing the Mixdown/Mastering button from working. [Edit] On a second test, this button press did return to Multitrack mode, but still did not remove the pop up message.
Pressing the Home button, then the Mixdown/Master button, returned the unit to Multi-track mode but did not clear the pop-up message.
Pressing the Save button (F2) in the Multi-track screen cleared the pop-up message.
The stereo master was recorded successfully despite the error message.
1gb song size is not uncommon for me.
My protocol eliminates all unused snippets from the song folder, creating only contiguous tracks.
TASCAM's trouble shooting corrective process differs from my protocol only in that I do not import to a freshly created empty song folder.
To address the "Read Timeout" error, it may be essential that for a song created under FW v1.19, the edit.sys and song.sys files be unaltered new files that can only be had by creating a new v1.20 song folder into which the Audio Depot files must be imported.
Replicating the process in FW v1.19 did not present any issues.
I'll stick with FW v1.19 pending further testing with a blank SD card formatted for FW v1.20.