Tascam 58OB need schematics of the OB part


Feb 18, 2014
Chicago area
Gear owned
Teac, Tascam, Sony
I am working on another 58 and I have the manual for the 58 but this manual has no parts or mention of the OB part that must have been an afterthought. Does anyone out there have a OB input card schematic for the XLR section of this machine?
There is also a separate power supply that is on the opposite side with two fuses on it. It provided plus and minus 20VDc to the input card. It is working so I will not need that.

Here we go again with lack of documentation. First the 238S and now this.
Another example of Tascam fine manufacturing. On this 58OB model even though it had XLR inputs and the converters and wires going to the motherboard not one channel has a R11 installed in the board. Does anyone have the value that R11 is suppose to be? I could guess and come up with a value but would be nice to know what it is suppose to be.
They might as well not even put all that other stuff on the deck if R11 is to be left out. Some QC they have there.
Well after a few hours of tracing the signal, it was found that the motherboard is missing all of the linking resistors from the input board to the RCA inputs. Never soldered in. They are called R11. I am guessing that they could be 1K as I tested the first track with one. Just for future other peoples problems- you wonder how this could have passed QC or maybe the customer changed the motherboard out with a non OB one. It was butchered up by someone- you can always tell as all kinds of screws are missing and some in the wrong place.
Well as time went on, the client sent me the original 9302 manual and I am communicating with Rick at Stereomanuals.com about having him copy it and to get my own copy. He does the best work so I have confidence that I will report in a bit of time that he will have the manual for others to buy. This is the manual for the OB model with extra parts in it. I will advise when it is possible.

The manual is on it's way to Rick and copies will be available when he finishes the job. I will advise you all with a link when it comes up. Rick is always a major help to Technicians and he deserves our business to keep him going. None of us are becoming millionaires.
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Well the deed has been done. If you need a Tascam 58OB manual contact Rick at Stereomanuals.com as I just got my two copies and they are outstanding in quality and clarity.
Every page straight and without marks you get from other places plus you can read all the boards and schematics.
This is the only place to get correct and well made manuals.

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