Tascam dp 24sd

The Hoffman’s Duo

New Member
Nov 23, 2023
Gear owned
Tascam Dp 24 SD
Just used for the first time in a studio situation my new tascam dp 24sd,had it for a while but getting my head around it as it is different to daw however very impressive,the overall quality is excellent.
So happy I took this way
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Sorry. I watched a lot of TV as a kid.

ANYway: congrats on your new DP. They're so ossum - I've been a PortaStudio-head for over 20 years, and they're STILL ossum. I have 3 right now.

You'll find the forum here boundlessly helpful. Most importantly: read the "sticky posts" (the ones at the top of every forum topic), and learn to use the "search" function - that'll answer 97% of your questions.
As for truly mystifying problems, ask/post about it...some of the guyz here are genuine rocket-surgeons when it comes to studio-gear. But as mentioned: pretty much everything you'll come up against has already happened to most of us, and been addressed either in a thread or in the sticky-posts.
Good luck & have fun! 😁

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