Tascam DP24 SD DIY Footswitch

I'm not sure track naming is such a big issue. My Fostex 24-track hard-disc recorder has this feature, but I've never used it. For any serious work, you have to use a track/project sheet (as @Mark Richards alluded to), as a simple name is never enough... and it's a lot easier writing/typing names and associated details on these, instead of the convoluted method of twiddling character by character to add text with no qwerty keyboard.

I know you're joking of course and I applaud your desire to re-program the machine, but saying it would be "so easy for TASCAM to implement" does seem a bit presumptuous unless you have insider knowledge. You must be aware from your programming experience that the effort involved in adding any feature can vary considerably as it can turn out to be more complicated than it seems, e.g. do all the virtual tracks need naming as well, how long should the names be, is there enough spare data storage for the names, is there enough spare code storage to handle the user interface, etc... then there's the business issues to consider such as how long will it take to implement, which programmers are available to work on this, and so on.

Your MIDI code not working is a good example :) I'm sure you'll get it working, but it's going to take more time. Bottom line is, from my experience, there's no such thing as a "5-minute job" :)
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You're absolutely right Phil. Yes I know, some missing things in the firmware could be the lack of space or something else.
But there are so many people who were shocked, moving from the 2488 to the DP and I can confirm this.
A mono switch for the monitors is the next best example. I could built in such a switch but my headphone amp got one so no need for this.

Yes, I'm using sheets for my project but I also know many people who stick some notes under the faders for their songs. And instead of these notes a simple name on the LCD fpr each track would be better.
Of course, you only have the Jog for entering names but it is okay.
Oh by the way: on the 2488 you could save user words for marker locations. So if you could do the same on the DP that would be cool. Entering once something like GUITAR and you can choose this from the lib for your tracks.

Dont get me wrong, it is a great machine but the functions of the 2488s software were better.
Also when I creat a new song, all the EQ settings and send effects of my song before are applies on the new song. So I have to clear it all. And so on... really annoying. Cant belive this.
This is why @Phil Tipping recommends using a Default Template (one that you create) and load it before creating a new song. Please see this.
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Thx. I know @-mjk-
As I said before, this is a solution but Tascam could have put this in the preferences in order to choose by the user if they want start with a clear EQ or with the last song OR with a defined template.

I built so many electronic devices. For hobby and for my work. Most of them with displays and menus. And especially these kind of devices are the best example of how users could individualize her own preferences. That starts with preferences, templates, words to button configurations and of course different color schemes on the display.

I would pay 200 bucks more if there were dedicated buttons for mute/solo and for muting the monitor out. And a button for stereo/mono on the monitor.

But we have to do the best with it as it is. :)
Sorry... have to calm down now :D
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When I start a new song... why should I use the old EQ settings from a different song?
Well, think about all the different scenarios in which others might use a DP-24/32/SD to record music and you'll have your answer.
I still don't get a satisfactory answer.
EQ is something completely individual. Even if I record an acoustic guitar for every song on the first track, that doesn't mean that the EQ settings from the previous song can be adopted 1:1.

Especially since the EQ is not only there to adjust the instrument on this track, but I also use it to adjust the instrument in relation to the entire mix. Therefore, "old" EQ settings make no sense at all if the same instruments are not present on every track, with the same panorama, in the same music genre, with the same instrument settings, etc.

Just when I record and mix the songs in two different rooms!

And even if the moon were in orion and you could use 1:1 EQ templates, I would have to record the respective instrument from the old song on every track from the new song. Because if I have a snare on track 3 in the old song with the EQ set, then I can hardly put an oboe on track 3 in the new song.
Likewise the adopted send effects.

Then please explain to me how others record it!

Edit: And that's what I mean that Tascam missed making such a choice available to the user
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Great discussion/debate...
So far - I think EVERYone is "right" here.
Although: as a long-time 2488xxx user...I can empathize w dominik's bemoaning the 2488 features/capabilities that were excluded from the DP's.There are some I just miss, and some that I had to alter my entire studio-work approach to compensate for the loss of! 😲
Ok I guess I will put the DP and the 2488 in a big blender and voila...
Either there is a great device or chopped up junk. :D
Great discussion/debate...
Not really. It’s just a bunch of complaining about what Tascam should or should not have done. It’s a very simple matter and the workaround doesn’t take any time at all, but still allows you to keep the same settings if you’re doing an album and using the same instrumentation.
...doing an album and using the same instrumentation...
Or recording a live set and need each song recorded separately rather than recording the set as one long "song". :rolleyes:

...just a bunch of complaining...It’s a very simple matter and the workaround doesn’t take any time at all...
Yep. Just load whatever custom template is required for the song being recorded. My SOP is similar to CLA's, and I have custom templates if I need to alter my SOP.

But that's a discussion for Recording 101. I'm outa here.
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Yes, it's just funny how the DP owners defend every "feature" and those who are amazed by a 2488 open threads about missing functions.
When I say that Tascam could have added an option so that the user can choose whether he wants to start with an empty template or with an old one, then all I get is statements that it makes sense to start with old EQ settings. Strangely enough, there are no threads about MTR that say: "Created a new song, EQ settings are at zero. Why?" Because that's basically normal.
But no other opinions will be accepted.

just a bunch of complaining about what Tascam should or should not have done.

Sorry for a programmer and electronics engineer to "complain" in your eyes.

I'm out too! :rolleyes:
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@shredd, this hasn't been a "throwdown" (at least not on my end). I merely said that there are scenarios in which others might find it very useful to carry forward the settings of a previous song (not an opinion, just a simple fact).
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I agree @Mark Richards - it's my H/O that carrying forward settings is a VERY useful feature (as opposed to any new project starting with everything at 'zero'/12 o'clock). The obvious example of this is when making a series of recordings (like an album) where some consistency is desirable.
I'm also of the opinion that with @Phil Tipping 's brilliant process of creating "template" songs (set up for various scenarios/uses) quite literally eliminates the problem - with just a couple of button-pushes, you can instantly begin a project all set up for any recording scenario you prefer - not just EQ, but track layout/assignments, FX, compression, etc etc. Obviously DAW-hounds expect this; but for a hardware unit in the DP's class, I find this marvelous.

What I was commenting on was the lively debate - natch, everyone's got an opinion - but since the DP was built the way it was built, usually we all just work within its' design parameters and adapt the workflow to the desired aims. At least, that's what I do, since the features of the 2488's I loved are no more...
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