Dp008ex Vs dp03sd sound


New Member
Apr 7, 2024
Gear owned
1.Hi has anyone done a side by side recording test . I can't really see anything in the specs to suggest the 03 has superior preamps or cleaner

2. Could I theoretically take the SD card from my dp008ex with recorded data and have it recognised identically on an 03sd

Clear difference is knobs versus faders. It looks more pro I guess, better build quality maybe . But spec wise I can't really see any fundamental difference . Does anyone know what tascam is aiming at with the two machines
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I actually owned BOTH of these units when I was trying to sort out my small-format/portable solution.
Here's a typical ytube mouthbreather vid comparing the two...

There ARE a few notable differences in the two - and if they matter, they may help you decide:
-As mentioned: knobs vs faders. And there's size: the '008 is MUCH more portable; but if I was working at home, I might prefer the 'space' of the '03.
-There's also a few menu/knob-related workflow issues. The one I specifically remember is that the '03 has 2 EQ knobs, whereby you have to enter the menu system to access the EQ on the '008xx. And a couple of other less-frequent tasks/accesses are like that, though I don't recall them being particularly important to workflow.
-The '008 takes batteries; the '03 does not.
-IIRC, screen size is the SAME.
-You might also wanna read up on the built-ins - I seem to remember a lot of people fussing about the '03's great capabilities, though my '008ex did all the same stuff.

And - in case you wanna hear from/read posts by people who actually know something - use the search function. There's been several discussions directly related to '008 vs '03.
@ButchA uses an '03 - he seems pretty good with it. Might wanna ping him.

That said: I found BOTH to sound terrific. I'm no tech-nerd/specs-hawr, and I'm so deaf that I have to have someone in the room with me to tell my if my git'r is turned up.
But from a sound-quality POV, I don't think you could go wrong with EITHER unit.

As far as your second ? goes:
You can always TRY it - BE SURE YOU BACK UP THE CARD FIRST! - but if it doesn't work, you can always do it the way Tascam intended (export the trx from the 008's card to a puter, then import on the '03).
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Many thanks . Yes I figured there was one or two work flow type differences and such . I think specifically if anyone knew whether the internal preamps are higher quality and if there's any appreciable difference in signal to noise ratio. ?
@songwriter65, from the technical specifications in their respective OM one can reasonably think the DP-03SD has better average audio performance: higher Signal-to-Noise Ratio (90 dB vs. 81 dB end to end), higher XLR input sensitivity (-16 dB vs. -8 dB nominal level) but lower XLR headroom (0 dB vs. +8 dB!), balanced Line input vs. unbalanced (+4/+24 dB vs. -10/+6 dB level range), higher phones output level (40 mW @32 Ohm vs. 20 mW @32 Ohm). Both devices have the output rated at -10 dB.
All these infos and much more are available to anyone from Tascam website.
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