Help (please) DM3200 no sound anymore


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2012
Gear owned
DM3200 MU1000 IF-FWDMmkII
Hi all, ;-)

I've been using my DM for years now, but today it stopped it's output.....
What I did: I bought a Line6 Helix and wanted that to use as an aggregate input for in Cubase (9.5)
The sample rates weren't right (Cubase 44.1/Helix 48) so I figured out that in my Audi/midi config (I'm on a Mac pro early 2008/El Capitan) the sample rates of the Helix couldn't be changed (to 44.1) so for that I had to download the newest driver for it: now that works and I could change it to 44.1

Line6 provide a warning: IMPORTANT! Installing the Helix Mac Driver 1.0.7 precludes using Helix with the class-compliant OS X Core Audio driver.


If for whatever reason you want to uninstall the Helix Mac Driver:
1. Navigate to Macintosh HD/Library/Extensions. Inside the Extensions folder, you should see an item named "L6Helix.kext." Drag this file to the trash.

2. Empty the trash and restart your computer. Helix will return to using the class-compliant OS X Core Audio driver.

Known Issues
- In rare occasions, loss of audio occurs after waking your computer from sleep
- Audio artifacts may occur while adjusting UI controls in several DAW applications

Indeed, my DM stopped working, so I uninstalled the Helix driver, but after that the DM still didn't gave output: I can see the signal coming in on the meterbridge: the led-bars move, when I play something trough iTunes, it's like I forgot to switch the amp on.......

I then also re-installed the IF-FW/DM MKll driver with the same result: no sound, but meters light up.
So before I go fiddling in the menu's of the DM (which is quite difficult, since it has a lot of blue lines in the screen) I thought, maybe first go here and some helpful person can help me out ;-)

Thanks in advance,
re-installed the driver for my DM, but still the same: no output, but input shows activity on the meters: could it be that my IF/FW is broken?
Tho my control panel shows this:


  • Control Panel.jpg
    52.9 KB · Views: 16
@Vignale The Control Panel image that you provided results in a black page (for me anyway). Did you try connecting another PC to your DM before going ahead with the driver re-installs? My apologies if this was not the answer / solution that you were hoping for
Thanks Peter for your reply :)

Oh? I can see it.....
It shows that the status is locked, 0 dropouts, Firmware version 1.10 (88685) and driver version 1.30f10 (188754) so that looks right to me......

No, I don't have another Mac to connect it to.......
I'm thinking of an "AppleHDA.kext" file which is missing in the Extensions folder: it is used for Apple's core-audio as far as I understand, but my Internal speakers do work! so I'm getting confused here.....
I'm a little step further: I know my mac is ok (I think) because using the Helix as a sound card that works, also Logic and Cubase work with the Helix sound card.
So the problem must be in my DM3200.
Is there a way to check if the IF/FW MKll is ok, other than IF/FW control panel?
In the picture here above it shows that my card is locked.
But still no output
Any help would be much appreciated!
@Vignale Are you getting any signal at your meters. How about the routing. Provide pics of your routing page(s) if possible. By the way, the image that you refer to in your last post is no longer valid.
Hi Peter, yes, I'm getting signal at the meters! I can make pictures of the routing: but that's the trouble: I have so much blue lines in the screen! (didn't have to use it for years; it all worked as I wanted) but I'm almost sure I haven't touched them, not in the last place because you cannot see well what you do because of the blue lines......

I know it's a bit stupid to ask for help when half of the screen is unreadable but.....
Just wanted to upload pictures of the screen, but got a message I'm not allowed: I'll check that and post it in a next post when possible.....
The following error occurred:
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
That's weird!
And my iPhone X has green lines now too! :-(
@Vignale As I had mentioned to someone else on the forum recently it is best to use an external image hosting site if necessary. Example: Imgur, Tinypic, etc. Google search will yield several. Next may be to consider investing in a 2Seemy card as I did. Incredibly helpful. The fact that you are getiing results at your meter is a good sign
Well, I've posted a pic before here above and when I press now "Upload a file" hereunder I get that message.....
@Vignale I get the same error. That's been happening for a while now which is why I use an external source. By the way, forget about Tinypic. Looks like they are shutting down.

Don't mind the blue shade of the monitor. It is old and on it's way out
Hi Peter, yes, I'm getting signal at the meters! I can make pictures of the routing: but that's the trouble: I have so much blue lines in the screen! (didn't have to use it for years; it all worked as I wanted) but I'm almost sure I haven't touched them, not in the last place because you cannot see well what you do because of the blue lines......

I know it's a bit stupid to ask for help when half of the screen is unreadable but.....
Just wanted to upload pictures of the screen, but got a message I'm not allowed: I'll check that and post it in a next post when possible.....

Perhaps somewhat of an obvious question: No sound at the headphone output(s) either?
Oh, I'm completely unaware of the Imgur-thing; I'll dive into that, thanks!

edit: oh, I get it: one posts pics on there and type the URL in here?
No, there's no sound at the headphone output as well, so that's worrying me.....
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Haha! the 1st one...... ;-(
Thanks a lot Peter! now at least I have something to compare, instead of guessing what's on the 1st lines! I'll dive into it
Thanks a lot for having patience and taking your time for me!
@Vignale My pleasure. Best of luck!
Could you send me pics of the output section as well please? ;-)