HS-8 transport control from DM-3200 - RS422


Active Member
Sep 1, 2014
Phoenix AZ
Gear owned
DM-3200, HS-8
I have googled and searched and have a query to Tascam going on 3 weeks.
I'm not put off, this is a hobby for me and I appreciate that it is for a lot of you also.
I really have exhaustively searched here and on Google.

The protocol is sony p2 but I see a lot of variations of that, even VISCA, upon which it is based.

I have found lots of master/slave pinouts (none with Tascam specifics) but which pinout is the right one? My DM is running latest firmware, but in machine control I see a MX2424, X48.. maybe the HS-8 will like one of those profiles?

Would it work if RS422 is pinned right? I have male DB9 plugs and appropriate wire on hand, but I am hesitant to try anything without knowing.

Thank you very much for your time.
Yeow, good question. Page 93 of the DM manual touches on this a bit. The DM's control protocol for the RS422 port is P2, as you have noted. All of the stuff listed for machine control can use the RS422 port, except the Midi TC Generator. I realize that the HS-8 is not listed there, but I would think that Tascam would probably keep these things standard. I've never seen a thread about this here, so I would have to guess that any of those devices listed would probably work as a proxy MC name for your HS-8. I probably wouldn't expect more than basic transport control.

So, plug it in...give it a go. It's not like it's going to blow up or anything.
Thanks for the encouragement, TascMan. I'll make a cable with the pinouts below, unless there is a better alternative. I'll report back on how it turns out. Thanks again.


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