Library Snapshot Presets


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2012
Bronxville, NY
Gear owned
When accessing the Library Snapshot screen I noticed that in the PRESET bank 1 there are 128 slots, only 7 of which have data stored in them. I see that PRESET bank 1 is also READ ONLY. Why are there 121 empty slots if data can't be written to them. Is it possible to create new "template" style presets and save them to this bank? Have factory presets somehow been cleared from this bank on my DM 3200? If so, how can I restore them? Does some sort of ROM need to be reset?
When you create a new project, you get all 128 slots.
Well, I tried what you suggested and still see that only 7 of the 128 available slots are populated with data.
Ok. Under the "Preset Bank 1", there should be a second row that clearly says "CF Bank 1 2 3 4."

Every time you make a new Project, the CF Bank will allow you to create customized snapshots. I have a DM4800, so I may have more - I'm not sure. Make sure your Compact Flash card is working.
The CF banks aren't the problem though. It's the one labeled Presets that is on the top line by itself. It has what looks to be 7 factory preset snapshots but the other 121 slots are empty and read-only. I imagine that it is the internal memory of the DM but was wondering why they are blank. I thought perhaps I somehow erased or corrupted them. Are there blanks on your Preset bank as well? (CF slots are fine!)
The presets are really just there to get you started - nothing else. Remember, this board came out in 2006 and was a new way of doing things. You may be overthinking this.

You basically just copy on of the presets to the CF bank and as a starting point, then you customize accordingly.
Yeah, you're probably right about me overthinking this. I've owned either a DM24 or a DM3200 since they've been out and always thought it odd that the preset bank was mostly empty and can't be written to. Just another quirk of the design I suppose. Thank for your replies.