Model 12 Daw controller - can I control more than 8 tracks?


New Member
Jan 30, 2024
Gear owned
model 12
Hi, everyone.

Finally getting around to trying out the Model 12 as the Daw Controller in Reaper. How do I control tracks past tracks 1-8? Can I only control the first 8 tracks with the tascam? Those left and right buttons under the screen don't seem to do anything. I have 13 tracks in a project, but I can't seem to figure out how to control anything after 8.
Solved it... apparently it moves on to the next 8 tracks but still just shows 1-8 on the window. Time for a feature request.
It'll never happen. Banks of 8 channels is standard across the industry.
How hard can it be for them to either change it to 11-19, or just an indicator like a '2' if you're on your second bank of tracks? Real pain in the ass when one has 16 or more, that's for sure.

Gripe gripe, grumble grumble.:confused:
I haven't seen those particular ones, but I have seen a few. I will watch these, thank you.

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