Model 16 faders not working


New Member
May 16, 2020
Gear owned
Tascam Model 16
Hi, I'm new here so thanks in advance.
I've bought the Model 16 and have installed all the USB drivers and latest firmware.
I'm using Mac with Catalina. Everything seems OK but the faders are not working. I have and hear signal but have to have PFL button pressed to hear the audio but then the faders don't work.
I've tried Live and PC modes but there's no difference if I don't have the PFL button pressed and again the faders don't work.
I work with Ableton Live X and my idea is to record to different tracks to DAW and want the Model 16 as audio interface. Maybe I have to configure the Tascam Model 16 in the menus of the screen? I've searched the web but can't find anything that solves that for me.
Has anybody experience this or know what I am not doing correctly? I can't figure out so help would be much appreciated.
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Hi there,
Have you by any chance found a solution to this? I've just bought one and this issue is driving me mad. Really makes me think this desk is not fit for purpose.
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Hi there,
Have you by any chance found a solution to this? I've just bought one and this issue is driving me mad. Really makes me think this desk is not fit for purpose.

I haven't. I think what I wanted is only the Model 12 capable of that as far as I remeber. I ended up returing the unit and came back to produce as I've been always doing it, with an audio interface with many inputs and outputs. It's a shame because I was really excited with the Model 16 but you know, maybe it was not meant to be for me...
PLF is pre-fader listen, so, if your channel has that button pressed then you listening to the audio before the fader. You have to monitor the Stereo Main L/R bus as @robin courtenay indicated above.

All of the Model series can be used to mix tracks from a DAW using the console.

Watch from 5:50
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I haven't. I think what I wanted is only the Model 12 capable of that as far as I remeber. I ended up returing the unit and came back to produce as I've been always doing it, with an audio interface with many inputs and outputs. It's a shame because I was really excited with the Model 16 but you know, maybe it was not meant to be for me...

Cool no probs. I have also returned it (today in fact). Good thing is, the guys at the shop didn't even know about these issues and we spent almost 2 hours going through the desk and a 2nd one just to see if it was a fault (it wasn't, same thing happened on another one).
But we did find that when USB is used, the mixer bypasses all EQ, Compressor and Faders. This was by design (it seems).

So, for a live mixer with ability to record to an SD Card, it's a good desk. But not very good for studio setups. It's not the EQ portion that makes it unfit for studio use but the fact that we can't get good sound levels even before the signal gets to the PC.

I did watch all the videos mentioned by "-mjk-" in the above posts but these did not fix or mention the bypassing of the EQ etc...

Even looking at the wiring diagram shows that it was made to bypass those parts of the desk.
I did watch all the videos mentioned by "-mjk-" in the above posts but these did not fix or mention the bypassing of the EQ etc...

Even looking at the wiring diagram shows that it was made to bypass those parts of the desk.

(This isn't about me, but) How did Mitch get the Model 24 to mix with his DAW in the Sweetwater video? He was able to mix with the faders and use EQ and FX, but he didn't mention Compression during Mixdown.
(as is my understanding) He got it to work by recording into the SD Card and then playing it back in his DAW and using the desk as 16 outputs.

The issue I was facing is before the DAW is even involved in the signal chain.
For example, If I'm recording Vocals, guitars and drums simultaneously I will need to get the proper levels using the faders on the desk before actually starting to record in the DAW.
So, if I can't adjust the sound levels with the faders, then once it is recorded it might be too soft or too loud to work with inside the DAW.

Recording to SD Card at a live show is a great feature, but I feel that recording to SD Card in a studio is an extra step that is not necessary.
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The Model 16/24 as a USB Audio Interface with a D.A.W.

The Model 16/24 is not a D.A.W. control surface. Only the Model 12 acts as a control surface.
The Model 16/24 has USB audio interface capability only.
Note that much of the information in this post is applicable also to the Model 12.

D.A.W. Sessions Can Be Mixed Down To The Model 16/24
  1. When the session originates in the D.A.W. (combo of virtual instruments and real instruments); and
  2. When the session has originated as an import from the SD card of a Model 24 session that first needs some editing or manipulation with D.A.W. plug-ins.
D.A.W. As A Playback Source
  1. The D.A.W. can serve as the playback device for mixing tracks on the Model 16/24.
  2. The D.A.W. must have the ability to assign each track in the D.A.W. to it's own output in order to send its tracks to their own individual Channels on the Model 16/24.
  3. Make sure the MODE selector switch on the Model 24 is set to PC.
  4. Make sure USB/Storage is not activated. When USB/Storage is activated, the USB interface is turned off. (USB/Storage is for the sole purpose of transferring files back and forth between the PC and Model 16/24.)
  5. Make sure your D.A.W. settings are set for ASIO.
Printing D.A.W. Tracks To The Model 16/24 Master Tracks (15/16 or 23/24)
  1. Edit or manipulate the D.A.W. tracks in the D.A.W. as needed.
  2. Set the channel strips on the Model 16/24 to "PC".
  3. Start record on the Model 16/24 by pressing the Transport Record button with no individual Model 16/24 tracks armed.
  4. Play back the D.A.W. tracks to record to the Model 16/24 Master tracks (15/16 or 23/24)
Record Tracks From The D.A.W. To The Model 16/24's Individual Tracks
  1. For each D.A.W. track to be sent to the Model 16/24, in the D.A.W. add a hardware send and assign the D.A.W. track to the desired channel input on the Model 16/24.
  2. Create a new song in the Model 16/24.
  3. On the Model 16/24, for each track in the D.A.W., set the corresponding Channel Mode on the Model 16/24 to "PC".
  4. On the Model 16/24 Arm each track you wish to record on.
  5. On the Model 16/24, adjust the channel strips' Low-pass Filter and Compressor to desired settings if needed.
  6. Press the Transport Record button on the Model 16/24 and press “Play” on the D.A.W.
  7. To listen back to what you transferred to the Model 16/24's individual MTR tracks, switch the Channel MODE for each track to MTR to audition the recorded tracks.
Other Important Tips
  1. Use a template in the D.A.W. with 14 or 22 tracks respectively already created and configured to send each track to the corresponding Channel input on the Model 16/24.
  2. When tracking, record levels on the Model 16/24 are set with the Gain Knobs for each channel strip, not the Channel Faders. Channel Faders are used only for monitoring, playback, and mix-down.
  3. There are three ways to use the Channel's Low-pass Filter and Compressor: When tracking directly to the Model 16/24 and Channel MODE switch is set to "Live"; When recording from a D.A.W. directly to individual Model 16/24 tracks, and Channel MODE switch is set to PC; and When bouncing out and coming back in through a Channel input and Channel MODE switch is set to “Live”.
The Model 16/24 Low-pass Filter and Compressor can only print during tracking.
They are not available for mix-down to the stereo master tracks ( 15/16 and 23/24).​

This post is based on information obtained from various posts
by the following forum members who are Model 16/24 users:
Robin Courtenay
Matthew Fogal
Tyrine Haywood
Elliot Keys
Jon Wilson
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I’ve also done this (recording simultaneously into my DAW and into the Model 16) in the live position. However, I was using the HeadRush pedal board as my effects processor and was experiencing strange audio artifacts. I haven’t tried this since. Are you using external effects?
The artifacts could be caused by double monitoring. If you're monitoring the direct signal together with the USB return and it's inherent latency, that would do it.

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