Need an installed copy of MX view ?

Rob f

Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
Sussex, UK
Gear owned
2 x MX2424. MCI JH428B

New member here. Rob here from the UK. I have a pair of MX2424, but my xp machine I was running MXview on has failed. Would like to try to get it working on a newer OS. Can someone point to a download or send me a copy.
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You can download it at

The install instructions are on this forum in a few threads, but basically you have to place the TASCAM folder with the MX View software into the program folder on the C drive of your computer, then create a short cut to the MX view software. Usual windows installing won't work on windows after windows 2000.

If you have a problem with the download send me a PM and I will email you the folder.

Thanks for that Alan, I realised I could get a copy from the Tascam website. I have been reading the threads on mxView. I need a copy that has been installed on an XP machine, because I don't have a machine with an OS old enough for it to install.
I still need an installed copy of MXview. Can anyone help ?
I emailed you one yesterday, this has been installed on an xp machine, if it's not working you are not following my install instructions.

You cannot use windows installer to install the software.

All you do is drag the Tascam Folder I sent you into the Program folder on C drive.

Then open the folder > open the MX view folder > right click on Mx-view (the one with the logo) and create a desktop short cut.

All done for software install, when you go back to the desktop you can open Mx View.

But we are not finished, before opening MX view you need to configure the I.P addresses in the MX and in the computer, I have also sent you the MX view manual with the setup and connection instructions, if you have problems let me know.

Thanks for doing this Alan, but I haven't recieved anything from you. Please could you try again ?
I sent it to the email address you sent me? Maybe your email is blocking it as it's a bit large. I'll try again.


p.s: I sent it as 2 parts to reduce the size.
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Hello Alan. I only got the second part with the mxView user manual. SO probably it won't let me recieve an attachment that big. Unfortunately that account is one where they seem to let you download larger files than others.
Hey guys I am basically having same problem When I unzip the new software for mx view I cannot load in on my computer the setup does not work, I saved it to program files I still cannot install it?
Assuming you are on a Windows system. You need a copy of an installed file from someone elses computer. I couldn't get MXview to install on wind 8 or 10. Alan sent me a copy of what he had installed, which I then just copied to my program files folder & it seemed to run OK. If you PM me your email address I can mail you a copy,
Hey thanks so much for your help I now cannot get kmc controls on dm4800 to operate mx2424 any ideas?
Hello every one.. I’m new to the site and just acquired a dm24 with a mx2424... I have a computer running xp.. could any one possible send me a copy of the MX view.. I’ve already tried the tascam site and downloaded it but it wouldn’t execute.. thanks in advance.

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