Problem using DM-24 with other firewire audio interfaces


New Member
Sep 18, 2021
Gear owned
DM-24, FW1804
Hello everyone!

I bought a Tascam DM-24 mixer, with IFFW/DM firewire card included. I connected with my Mac pro 1.1, using OSX 10.7.5., via firewire, it works fine. I also wanted to use an another firewire card (motu 828mk3) synched and connected with wordclock, ADAT in and out, and also connected to my Mac via firewire. As soon as I connect my firewire card, the Tascam iffw/dm card starts to drop out, the status constantly changing "ERROR-OK-ERROR-OK" for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes the status stays OK, the computer recognizes it, but no sound coming out of the mixer when I want to send any signal via firewire. The motu card works fine. I tried different connection combinations, like dasy chain the 2 cards together, or connect to separate connectors on my mac. I also bought a firewire 400-800 adapter, but no change in the behavior. The console version is V3.00. Should I buy a PCI firewire card in Mac pro, and try to connect one of the cards via the PCI firewire card? I would be grateful, if someone can help! Thank you!

All the best,

P.S: Sorry for my bad English!

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