Recording Mono to the Stereo Tracks 13-24 on DP 24 SD


Feb 12, 2019
Gear owned
DP 24 ,DP-02, Model 12,
Hi folks,

I was just able to record mono signal to my Dp 24 SD kind-a, sort-a .

Originally I was trying to assign H to 13 and B to 14. But the ASSIGN operation seems to only let me assign adjacent inputs to the stereo tracks. So I assigned A to Track 13, and B to Track 14. I recorded a Geoshred Synth, on Track 13, and then later recorded a Yamaha Motif on Track 14.

I can control the relative balance between the two with Pan. Although I cannot control the volumes independently on track 13 and 14 I was able to record them independently. I guess if it were really critical that I balance them independently and I had no tracks open in the current song I would export track 13-14 to the Audio Depot and then import them into a new song, balance them there, bounce them to stereo and import them back into my original song. This is a long winded approach, but it would get the job done.

I do these kinds of sub mixes when I'm mixing more than 24 tracks on my DP 24. I'll group the tracks into subgroups, move them to an empty song, mix them appropriately then bounce them down to mono, or stereo. and import them back into the original song. So an empty song is a good place to do sub mixes of up to 24 tracks, balance each sub mix and then import the bounced tracks back into the master mix and voila:LOL:

Since I don't really do software DAWs (unless absolutely necessary) I use import/export and empty songs a lot to move things around, to save scenes, and for sub mixes.

This is the first time I was kind-a, sort-a forced to use a stereo(13-24) track for a mono signal. I had read on the forum that there was a problem using stereo tracks in mono situations, but in my particular case it worked:)
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@lastmonk there are always virtual tracks. Handy if you're running low on storage tracks. There are posts about using song projects for overdubbing in the Production Techniques sticky post, as well as some other relevant posts.

I recorded a Geoshred Synth, on Track 13, and then later recorded a Yamaha Motif on Track 14.

How did you do this? You recorded on the stereo track independently? Or imported?

Thanks for posting your experience.
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Yes, this was a session recording.

I assigned track 13 to A and track 14 B. I had the Geoshred connected to A and the Motif on B.

also thanx mjk for the other info!

I recorded a Geoshred Synth, on Track 13, and then later recorded a Yamaha Motif on Track 14. this was a session recording. I assigned track 13 to A and track 14 B. I had the Geoshred connected to A and the Motif on B.

I'm confused.

When the Record button for Track 13/14 is engaged, both tracks are recorded at the same time.

How did you record first Track 13, rewind, then record Track 14 without erasing the signal on Track 13 recorded previously?

If you recorded first on Track 13 (Input A), then rewound and recorded Track 14 (Input B), by recording Input B on Track 14, whatever material was on Track 13 should have been recorded over and replaced with an empty track, since there was no active incoming signal from Input A, yes?
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Mark, I took it that he just used the stereo track to record one track, export and then recorded the second track which erased the first track.

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