
Interesting questions for you guys, which of these do I connect my monitors to, the dp or the mixer, and which do I turn on first?
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Micki, you monitor the DP. Mixer, DP, monitors.
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Really cool that's what I thought! Thanks though because you set my mind at ease!
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Trick question haha lol: If I want to output my dp's signal to the input of my mixer's balanced input jacks, using XLR or TRS cables, can I do it and how do I do that?
My mixer has loads of outputs (four group outs, four aux, two stereo jacks, two xlr stereo outs, rca outs, monitor outs, headphone jack, etcetera) and they are all balanced output TRS and XLR compatible. I know I can connect my mixer outputs to my dp inputs (a through h), however, I'm not quite sure how I'd be able connect my dp outputs to my mixer inputs using TRS and XLR.
Micki, didn't we cover this already? 6.5mm TRS connections will most likely be line level high Z type. The mixer must have line level inputs. The DP is not a microphone, so a mic input is not appropriate. Use a line level input. The channel may have a single input connector with a Mic/Line switch. Make sure that stitch is in the Line position or you'll be sorry you didn't did that.
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That's kool I appreciate the clarification on that, I was just wondering because I thought everyone here and at the stores I go to, were telling me I can only use unbalanced TS cables, rather than those or balanced TRS cables. I'd prefer to use the balance TRS cables and yes I know now to not use XLR.
The reason why I asked again yesterday was because the manual for my mixer has diagrams that show a variety of cables that can be used for input and output whereas further into the manual it seems to recommend using TRS cables for input and output.
Micki, "output" is confusing because any signal that goes out is an output. The stereo output of the DP machine is not TRS, it's unbalanced RCA pins. The effect sends are outputs and they are unbalanced TS 6.5mm jacks. The only TRS outputs on the DP machine are the monitor outputs. You have to consider what you're going to do, and that tells you what you need.

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