"Solved" Tascam Mixer Companion 1.51 's bug in windows 10, use TMC 1.2 instead!


Active Member
Apr 2, 2015
Gear owned
Did anybody had this strange bug:
TMC's window doesn't showing anymore on windows 10 when I launch TMC, TMC is open in windows's tasks bar but I can't see it on my screen … Uninstall and reinstall didn't solved the problem...
These things sometimes can be fixed by temporarily changing your screen resolution to a bigger size - and then suddenly the window's back again. So go to a bigger setting and 'Apply', then go back to where you were and 'Apply'.
Thanks Arjan,
it has almost work: first the Tmc shows up (so I disabled in TMC pref "keep size and position") but not the transport bar neither meter bridge...
After ten times switching screen size the transport bar shows up but not the meter bridge… What a pita!
Well, glad you got it back partly - maybe you have to select the meter bridge on and off from TMC?
maybe you have to select the meter bridge on and off from TMC

I already try that multiple times without success..

Anyway I found the workaround!
Just install TMC 1.20 and all is showing and working fine!
After that I tried again to reinstall TMC 1.5 & TMC 1.51 but without success so it's good to know that TMC 1.2 is working fine on Win 10 64bit.

On a side note, I noticed the Timecode & transport bar works fine too with MTC in, I thought it didn't but it works, you just have to wait 4 seconds to have the Time code working and following each time you hit "play", I don't know why...
Interesting, especially since I have no issues whatsoever with TMC 1.51 in Windows 10 64bit. But anyway, good you got it working again.
Yeah I'm glad it's working again!

TMC 1.51 was working fine too but one day I lost Tc/Transport and meter bridge. I was really disappointed for the meter bridge.

Anyway the windows 10 "October 2018" update was a nightmare for me (this, can't get my Atmos setup working properly, graphic gui bug in Samplitude etc...), I can't wait for the April 2019 update, it can't be worse, I hope ;) ...
TMC 1.51 works just fine in Windows 10. There is something undoubtedly system specific that was/is going on. Definitely not a bug. Might even be a screen resolution issue. Changing resolution, changing screen configurations, sometimes menus and/or program windows get seemingly lost when they are in fact just out of reach. In any event, TMC 1.51 can be quirky at times, but mostly just shows up and does its job.
Yeah TMC 1.51 worked fine for me too till the day it didn't...

TMC 1.2 seems to not have this resolution/size issue, just great for me, I have loose too much time to change resolution etc without success with TMC 1.51 . I use TMC only for Meter Bridge and secondary for back up projects