Sonar X3 (64) and DM24


New Member
Dec 25, 2013
Gear owned
Just wondering if anybody is running a DM24 with Sonar X3 and has the automation working. Have been using Sonar with the DM24 for years using the Tonart dll in 32 bit. This no longer works in 64 so I am hoping somebody has figured out a way to make this work? Any help would be appreciated.

As a new owner of the Tascam DM24, i can't see that i'm not the only one to have trouble while trying to synchronize the DM with Sonar. I'm using the 8.5 version, i'm trying every way i'm finding on the forum, the tutorials. Whatever, a question about your problem : did you try the way described on the Tascam site in downloable tutorials ?
Can you tell me more about tonart.dll, that might help me in my struggle... ?
Cakewalk Sonar does have a sort of HUI available. Its called CM LABS MOTORMIX. Wich is a sort of HUI.

It's allso possible to use MMC and to only automate the busses. And use MIDI learn with the faders. Hope's this helps.
I am running X2 and just started to try to get MMC running. It has proven to be more difficult to see any results than I imagined it would be with Sonar's ACT plugin but I'm also trying to use a MOTU MTP-AV that I had laying around. I'm going to try a MIDISport 4x4 & will definitely post any successes that I encounter as I work on this in the coming weekend.
I got transport control, MTC syncing and fader, pan and mute working, last night! My issue was definitely with my MOTU MTP-AV. After I replaced it with an M-Audio MIDISport, everything started working. It was easier than I thought, but actually will be a tedious process to get fader control, mute and panning running (it was midnight when mapped channel 1 working, then went to bed since I have a day job). I will post instructions tonight or tomorrow, once I've had a chance to sit down and pull together the procedure. There aren't many steps to this which is great but if you're a noob to things like Audio clock vs. MTC vs. MIDI sync and how that relates to what you are trying to accomplish, I'd bet it has added to the problems that people have had while trying to set this up over the years. The good news is that you don't need a DLL file, just patience and a working MIDI interface, which will be essential.
Thanks for all the feedback. I have gotten some functionality working but cannot get the faders to respond to sonar. I can get faders to control the software however. I have come across bome midi translator and was wondering if anybody has tried this. ? Thanks.
Thanks for all the feedback. I have gotten some functionality working but cannot get the faders to respond to sonar. I can get faders to control the software however. I have come across bome midi translator and was wondering if anybody has tried this. ? Thanks.
I've never tried to send MIDI commands to the DM24 to control it's faders before. I'm not sure how to accomplish that one. I've never seen or heard of a MIDI translator, either. Does it convert CC messages on MIDI channels sent from Sonar to a different protocol, like RS422 or something?
Hi. LA6507

Just wondering if you eventually succeeded with the dm24 setup. Still banging my head off the desk here. Seem to randomly get various elements working but not all and not at the same time. Did you ever get the chance to write up the procedure. Thanks.
LA6507 What settings did you make on the DM-24 to get transport control, MTC syncing and fader, pan and mute working? Did you set up Sonar as an ACT Midi Controller?

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