Transferring/Copying tracks between song files

Big Salacious

New Member
Nov 7, 2022
Gear owned
After reviewing the manual and combing through the forums and resources online I am still left with a question with regards to transferring tracks between song files on the Tascam DP24sd. If I recorded an hour long session on a single song project file, is there a way to clip just the tracks for a single song and transfer it to a different song file? I understand you can cut/copy/paste within a song file but can you do it between song files? Ex recording a full set on Song 1 and then taking a piece of that set and moving it to Song 2. Thank you in advance and apologies if this has been addressed already!
a way to clip just the tracks for a single song and transfer it to a different song can cut/copy/paste within a song file but can you do it between song files?
You can't cut/copy/paste tracks between song projects because the DP-24/32/SD firmware has no way to target the other song project.;)

In broad strokes, here are some ways to accomplish what you want to do with a song's individual tracks or track segments:
  • Export the song's desired tracks to Audio Depot, import the song's desired tracks to the other song project; in the other song project, mark and cut the unwanted material; Or
  • Mark/solo/mixdown a desired individual track or track segment; use Audio Depot to import only one side of the resulting stereo {track/segment.wav} file to the other song project; delete the unused side from Audio Depot. Repeat for each track or segment track you want to replicate; Or
  • Mark and mixdown each of the individual songs in your session, modifying the songname each time to reflect the segment being mixed to the stereo master (thus no need for a second song project); Or
  • Export the song's desired tracks using Audio Depot; use a fast editing program like TASCAM's free Hi-Res Editor on each exported song track; use Audio Depot to import the extracted {track/segment}.wav file into the other song project. Repeat for each song track you want to replicate; Or
  • Export everything to a D.A.W., and use the D.A.W. to edit the song's tracks as needed and create stems for import via Audio Depot to the other song project.
The "how-to" specifics are covered in the sticky threads should you need more information.
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Save the song under a new name.
Load the new song (with the new name) and delete the unwanted tracks.
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