Two songs (test) - Your opinion


New Member
Dec 5, 2020
Gear owned
DP-24 SD, DP-008ex
I would like to hear from a few members of the group.
I want to mention that I'm really not a sound engineer.
Feel free to share your opinions with me frankly because I really want to improve the sound of my recordings


The first song 0500

I don't like the flute but it's to do a test.

This score could be for a singer.


The second song 0700

Without a score for a singer, only accompaniment.

For this one I used Melodyne Studio 5 to correct a mini peak, a little noise that was on the Telecaster guitar.


Instruments in these songs:
Takamine GN77KCA-NAT, Fender Telecaster, Sound module Roland D-05, Rhodes (Yamaha Reface CP Rd1) ans Steven Slate Drum plugin.

Recording on my Tascam DP-24SD, mix made with Reaper, some audio correction with Melodyne,
Delay and Reverb with Sonitus plugin and SLICKEQ plugin on the Master to finish.
Direct recording from my computer to my portastudio.
In the mastering mode, I made a light EQ and the single compressor. Just that.

I think your mixes sound good.

My only critique would be to take the bass further back in the mix, and move it a bit off center. As is, it's out front and dominates the sound stage in both songs. (I usually mix the bass and kick to complement each other, EQing the kick a bit around 60Hz (depending on the mic used) and the bass a bit around 80Hz. From there I build the rest of the mix around that bed.)

In song 0500 the bass occupies the same space as the flute, and if there was a vocal, the same would be true. You might also try brightening the flute a bit to bring out some of the "air" that gives the flute its distinctive characteristic.
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Thank Mark.

You are right, several years ago I was a trumpet player and singer. I tend to focus more on mid and mid-high range.

I started playing bass about a year ago.

Often i meet the difficulty with bass and kick during my mixes. You guide me in your post above, yes i will make it.

I already read on a forum, the guy muted the bass and kick during his mixing. Added them only at the last step in his mixing. Maybe it's an alternative.

For mastering I try to get -1.5 dB and -14 LUFS but I find that the final product is less loud than some songs that i listen to on the web.
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For mastering I try to get -1.5 dB and -14 LUFS but I find that the final product is less loud than some songs that i listen to on the web.

Loudness of the master involves assuring a good average-to-peak ratio, starting with the tracking process. Discussed in this post found in the Production Tips sticky of the "2488 and DP-24/32" forum.

Personally, loudness comparisons aren't very important to me. I focus on achieving dynamic range, imaging, depth, audio spectrum, etc. that can be appreciated on a good home stereo system and headphones that are designed to emulate a good home stereo system. But I guess the focus would depend, really, on the target audience.

My masters are typically -14 LUFS, peaking at about -1 dBFS, with a target peak-to-loudness ratio (dynamic range) of between 12 dB (very dynamic) and 8 dB (moderate dynamic).

Also, -mjk- posted this info in another area of the forum:
For free, you can upload stuff to the Finalizer website [] and have it analyze [your song] for you. Also, is another site where you can see where your levels are.

You may also find some of the recent posts in the Recording 101 forum helpful.
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Finalizer seems very interesting. I will study and try to learn more. Tks Mark.

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