US1800 & Avid Torq Input Problems


New Member
May 6, 2013
Gear owned

i have a problem with my US-1800. First let me explain the Situation:

I normally use my US1800 with cubase Artist 6 (or 6.5...doesnt matter) and all works fine.
On the other hand, i play Musik (djing) with Torq (Avid) and an Xponent(M-Audio) controler. Now i want to combine the mp3 djing with real Vinyl. This makes sense and is possible by the software. Just the Xponent(with integrated Audio Interface) has no inputs, so i need another solution.

My idea was, to use the US-1800 instead of the Xponent as interface and route In 11&12 to Deck A and 13&14 to Deck B.
The Problem now, is that this works on Deck A, but not on Deck B. By trying some variations i found out, that

+Torq does not recognise the input from input 13&14
+The US-1800 has input on input 13&14 ...checkt by "input->monitor" on the us-1800 itself and by cubase,where everything works fine
+Connected at 9&10 (on the front panel of the US1800) it works fine

All seems OK, but it doesn`t work...i`m out of ideas

Can someone help?

regards Stefan

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