2 Frontier Tranzports on 1 DAW


Staff member
Oct 2, 2012
Queens, New York
Gear owned
2 x DM3200, DA-3000
Frontier Tech Support said only one Tranzport per computer.

Very cool!
I gave up on even using one.
I used to love that thing.
Doesn't work, even with purchased new drivers on current OSX Mac.
From what I've hear it still works on Windows 8.1 and 10. Bummer about the Mac.


I have no clue why they decided to discontinue this product. There's no wireless remote on the market and something like this is much needed. I know there are Android/iPad solutions but they are overly complicated feature-wise and drain on computer resources. This is the only product that I know of that gives simple wireless transport control AND wireless punch in/out capabilities. I don't get it!
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I totally agree. Such a simple but complete product - why kill it? I use mine very regularly, sometimes simply to sit back and audition recordings.

Great you got two working on one DAW, but ehm, why??
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One for vocal booth and one for drum/live room. When working with my musical partners and recording simultaneously, it's much easier to have 2 remotes depending on who's playing what at any particular time. Was tired of passing one around like a baton. Plus it came with the very hard to find mount stand attachment and the whole package was $50 including shipping so why not?
Ah, I see. Good deal for sure, and indeed, why not? If only to have a spare! And I'm jealous you have the stand adapter - that's something I dearly miss and never could find. ;)
@waterstrum: you don't happen to have one lying around, do you?

BTW - just out of curiosity, do they both work on the same USB receiver, or with two USB connected receivers which are separate remote devices in Cubase?
@Arjan P I got lucky with 2 stands. If I see another I will let you know. Yes you have to use 2 USB transmitters and then go into cubase add add another Tranzport remote. I don't know what Frntier Design told me that it wouldn't work.
Maybe they were referring to having two Tranzports both operating on the same USB receiver..
I still use my Tranzport on OSX (and it still works, at least with DP). I use the purchased driver, but I think the trick is you had to install it before a certain OS version because they changed the driver signing or the like. If you already had it and upgraded it worked, if you didn't maybe that's the problem. I would ping the guys you bought it from, it's super simple for them to update it if that's all the problem is (basically just building the project again in the latest Xcode).
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@Arjan P I thought so too but when I went back to their email it clearly said that 2 Tranzports would not work on one computer.
The two device limitation might have been with older OS stuff as well, they haven't updated their own stuff in quite some time so maybe it used to be a limitation of the OS that is no longer a limitation.
I still use my Tranzport on OSX (and it still works, at least with DP). I use the purchased driver, but I think the trick is you had to install it before a certain OS version because they changed the driver signing or the like. If you already had it and upgraded it worked, if you didn't maybe that's the problem. I would ping the guys you bought it from, it's super simple for them to update it if that's all the problem is (basically just building the project again in the latest Xcode).

Thanks for the info.
I found the updated driver and reinstalled it.
My Tranzport is now back on line.
Many thanks!
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