2488, new and in box; I bought it some years ago and never used it


New Member
Mar 4, 2017
Gear owned
Tascam 2488
Medical bills and life in general have prompted me to sell a few things and today I decided that my unused 2488 should be one of those items. Paid almost $800 for the 2488 and tutorial DVD...I know I'll take a loss...any interest out there? Thank you.
Hi foxwaves. What model is it? The Neo or earlier MKII? And where are you located?
Hello Eric,

It's not the Neo...but I'll have to look at the box to tell you the model. I'm not familiar with the progression of models. I'll make a point to look today and let you know which modleI have. I'm in Tennessee, USA, a little south of Nashville. Have a great week!
I finally remembered to look at the box and all I saw was "Tascam 2488", so I assume it is an early model.
You should try posting this on Reverb.com. In that kind of shape it shouldn't be hard to find a buyer for the right price.
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Thanks, Scott; that's a good idea. I wonder what a fair rpice for a new-in-box 2488 might be? 1/2 price?

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