2488NEO Volume


New Member
Jun 28, 2015
LA area
Gear owned
Like a post I just read on the forum about a 2488, it's been some time since I fired up mine. It' true in my case the old saying if you don't use it you lose it. I'm having a hard time remembering a lot about it.

Anyway, I have what is probably the dumbest and simplest question to ask. When I put an input cable in from a mic or keyboard, the right channel's volume is about twice as loud as the left no matter how high or low the main vol is. I can't figure out how to adjust that. Can anyone help me? Thank You.
Try adjusting the gain until both inputs are equal. Start at about the 2 o'clock position.
Just a shot in the dark ... are you using input H as one of your two inputs? If so, it's the added gain on that input (for instruments with passive pickups). Choose a different pair.
Don't know what adjusting the gain means. (Stereo volume ? Channel vol?) Both/ two inputs? I put one cable in input E from a keyboard. DO I need more? Thx
I can't know what you're connecting to what. Normally, you'd take a stereo signal from the keyboard to the 2488. On some keyboards you would have TWO outputs L/R. On others there's a single output jack that carries a stereo signal. On yet some others, the LEFT output can be used for a mono signal. To record that keyboard in stereo, you'd need to use TWO inputs on the 2488, assigning them to linked stereo tracks (L/R). This is because all eight inputs are mono. See page 29 and page 33 of your manual which explains stereo assignments and linking. This may just confuse you more than you need to be. Sorry if that's the case.
The gain knob is not a fader or volume, it is labeled as gain on the neo (a small knob). It controls the level (volume) of the input, the faders do not control the volume of the input. If its counterclockwise the gain is minimum, fully clockwise it is maximum.
Thanks for your input guys but still don't have it. Don't care about stereo right now. Mono should have same L/RI vol. Right? I went with guitar into input H. Trim (is that gain?) set at midnight(straight up) Vol on right still twice as left. ??
Yes, so sorry. Trim is gain. Set them the same on each input. Start more than halfway up. Keep both trims the same.
Sorry I'm not clear. Not looking for two trims/inputs, just want 1 input with mono that shows vol levels equal on Led screen whether it's input H for guitar or any other input for mic or keyboard. Thx
Trying to help but I don't understand what your asking. If you use one input in mono you should only have one level showing on the LED screen. If the volume on the right is twice as loud maybe you don't have the pan centered?
When I was frequently using the neo about 5 years ago I would plug one cable in any input (E to H) and the volume was always equal on the LED screen (Both L and R) I think you are saying the same thing. I should only have one level. That's the mystery.

I checked the Pan and they are all centered. Thx
The only other possibility is what RustyAxe suggested. You have your inputs linked. Check the manual and unlink them.

Good luck
I tried something different. I've been trying to put input on previously recorded tracks. I started over on a new song track and viola! equal levels.

(I guess I could have used a virtual track to monitor on the old song. The levels would have probably been the equal then.)

Thanks for your inputs.

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