2Seemy Install Complete

Peter Batah

Feb 9, 2017
Montreal, Canada
Gear owned
DM4800 / MU1000
Hello all. Just dropped in to say that I finally got around to installing my 2Seemy VGA Card this afternoon. The whole process took a little under 60 minutes. I took my time making sure not to skip over anything.

I did have a question for others who might be using the replacement kit. I noticed that there appears to be a slight lag between for example: turning a pan knob on the DM and watching the action on my monitor. It seems to happen slower at the PC VGA screen. Unlike what happens on the built in working display. I don't know if I am explaining myself properly.


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Congratulations, Peter. Welcome to the happy 2SeeMy club. :-)
I haven't noticed any delay between the two displays. I will check this next time at the desk.
@Marvel Thank you. In regards to the slight delay that I referred to I probably should have explained myself in a little more detail.

I noticed it when for example I access the Aux settings for a specific channel. I will turn the encoder clockwise to increase the level. Looking at my PC monitor, the value appears to be increasing in real time but the graphic of the onscreen encoder knob does not seem to be keeping up as quickly.
Whereas doing the same when using the on board Tascam screen might yield instant results.

Am I making any sense or is it merely these aging eyes that are playing tricks on me?

I have a feeling that this may be perfectly normal given the VGA signal path. I am extremely happy with the product and would wholeheartedly recommend it.
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Congratulations, Peter. Welcome to the happy 2SeeMy club. :)
I haven't noticed any delay between the two displays. I will check this next time at the desk.
By the way, what has your experience been like when using the 2Seemy solution via USB. If you have tried that at all. And, is it PC strictly compatible? Thank you. Peter
Hi Peter, and welcome to the 2seemy club ;)
I don't recognize the latency you mention, but will have another look next time in the studio. On the USB-side though there is substantial latency IIRC, but I hardly use that. I hardly use the 2seemy monitor either, I installed it when replacing the DM screen just in case, and the current screen is still in perfect condition (knock on wood)..
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@Arjan P As always, thank you for your input. As I mentioned earlier, the latency seems to be more of a graphical issue. Where you spin the encoder quickly but the encoder that is simulated on the PC monitor does not move in sync with what your fingers are doing to the physical version at the DM. Who knows, could it be my monitor an older LG Flatron W1942TQ? I tend to doubt that though. I tried using the USB feature as well with an older an older HP nx9420 laptop and notice considerable lag. In one case where I tried making changes in the routing section using the jog wheel nothing appeared at all. None of the options came up no matter how fast or how slow I spun the jog wheel.
I'm not near my DM at the moment, but I don't recall any perceptible or bothersome lag over VGA. It really wouldn't make sense intuitively, as "graphically" there's no difference between the numbers displayed on the VGA monitor and the graphical representation of the knobs that are displayed. I can't think of what could possibly cause this...unless it's a trick of the eyes, caused by the difference in distance that a tiny knob travels on the built-in screen vs. the larger distance the knob would travel on the VGA monitor? In that case, the bigger the monitor, the more obvious this would presumably be. Whereas digits counting up/down in place maybe appear to roll over more quickly.

As others have said, the USB pathway has a definite lag. But it was usable in my brief test. Sounds like your USB problem is probably related to that old laptop.
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@rungabic Thank you so much for your input. I really appreciate it. It could very well be a "trick of the eyes" as you say. I suppose that my eyes expect for the onscreen encoder to turn in exact sync with what I am doing at the DM with my fingers. Not so much how the values increase / decrease, but more how I see the small circular button spin.

As long as I have a clear indication of what it is that I am ultimately trying to achieve, I am very "Content" with that. It will just take some getting used to.

And, you are probably right about the old laptop. I haven't tried hooking up a newer model PC via USB yet. Will get around to that at some point. What I did experience when I first attempted the USB connection was a garbled image that I have attached to this post. I used a long USB cable. Once I went with another that measured no more than 3 feet the image cleared right up.

I am absolutely loving this solution. My intention was not to cast any doubt as to its validity or performance. I would do it again in a heartbeat! Have a good one! Peter


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Just putting in my 2 cents again. I don't see anything unusual. Turning the knob gives an immediate respons on the vga monitor, both in numbers and the graphical representation of the knob. Of course with such a blown up screen it all looks pretty coarse.
As for usb, can't use that, since I am on a Mac and 2seemy has no driver for macOS.
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@Marvel Yes, too bad about the Mac thing. Just for chuckles I may try hooking up another monitor. Thanks again for your input. I appreciate it. Have a safe and wonderful weekend.
Peter, I just checked and the 2Seemy lag you speak of is totally unnoticeable here. Even the PC-screen through USB is much better than I thought I remembered - very workable, though it has a slight lag..
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@Arjan P Thanks for going to all that trouble for me. Funny that I should be reading your reply because I just finished hooking up another monitor to (BenQ) my 2Seemy card. I think that I know what is happening here.

And, it has nothing to do with the card or lag in my opinion. I have been out of the loop for so long that I expect to see things as I did back in the day when I was using a Soundcraft analog console. Where an aux or pan pot had a finite range (mechanically speaking). You grab the knob, turn it using an audio or visual cue and you were done.

In the case of my / our DM consoles turning the encoder knobs will yield specific desired values of course. But mechanically speaking, are infinite. So, I think that what I was seeing / expecting was to turn the pod either clockwise or counter clockwise and see an instant graphical representation of what my fingers were doing at the console. It merely appears to be happening slower to my eyes. I assume that none of this makes sense but am confident that once I get around to using the DM and 2Seemy card together on a more permanent basis my imagination will stop playing tricks on me.

Thanks again for helping me out with this. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Have a safe and wonderful weekend!

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New guy here from NH (USA)...just had a DM3200 with meter bridge and IF-FW/DM MkII card given to me by a friend that I used to be in a band with and also still lay bass/keys tracks in his studio. This was his recording console until he downsized his gear somewhat...He's now using a UA Apollo 8 Quad recording interface and gave me this (Nice Friend, to be sure!).

When he asked if I wanted it, he did give me a heads up that the original display went bad on him. I'm finding out this is not an uncommon problem. He had replaced the display with another and it's doing the same thing. I don't know how long ago this second one was replaced but I don't think it was all that long ago.

I did some looking about on the WWW and found out about the 2Seemy board and ordered one a few days ago. I got the email saying it had shipped today.

I think even if the display was still working fine, I'd of still sprung for the 2Seemy VGA card as my 62 year old eyes aren't what they used to be.
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Hi Tim, and welcome! Good luck with the DM and 2Seemy. It is indeed a bit of hit and miss with these displays, some last very long while others get bad in months. 2Seemy is a great addition at the least.
I'd like some friends like that BTW ;)
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Thanks Arjan..yes, I consider myself very fortunate that he offered it to me, no strings attached. I am very much looking forward to learning how to use this. My past experience with recording is old school, using a 4 track Tascam reel to reel with assorted outboard stuff, a lot of it cobbled together by myself.

My friend gave me the old display and when I get some time, I may try to figure out what is bad on it...I suspect that the rubber contact surface between the circuit board and the display has become compromised...fixing that type of PCB to display contact can be very hit or miss but I have nothing to lose by trying.

I am an electronics tech by trade, spending many years in my own business repairing pro sound equipment. I still do it part time but I needed to find another field of electronics that would pay the bills consistently so now I work for a company that is in the electro-optical field...think test and calibration equipment for the LED/Plasma/lighting/color industry.
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@TimV Welcome aboard Tim. If you have any questions regarding the 2Seemy installation just ask away. I installed one in my DM-4800 last week. I can't say enough about how great it is to work with a larger monitor versus the on board display. Have a good one. Peter
Thanks Peter...I am looking forward to getting the 2Seemy board...according to an email I got from them today, I should see it in about 1-2 weeks.

I'm kind of dead in the water until I get it as the onboard display is almost unreadable as it is now. I did get the Firewire card on the DM to communicate with my firewire card in my computer (Windows PC Win7 Pro). I'm going to see how Cakewalk plays with my setup...if it works, I'll use that, at least for the time being.

If I run into any issues installing the 2Seemy, I'll be sure to post questions here.
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@TimV You have definitely made a wise choice. By the way, I had occasion to communicate with the folks at 2Seemy and I have to say that they were absolutely amazing. They always responded in a very timely and professional manner. A real class act. Keep us posted!
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Well, after a few snafus (I accidentally ordered the 2Seemy made for the Korg D-3200...I’m thinking my fat fingers hit the wrong button as I was placing my order), I finally received the correct one today...I’m hoping to get this kit installed this weekend so I can start figuring out how to use my DM-3200.

Great folks at 2Seemy. They bent over backwards to help me get this sorted out and back on track...
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Hi Tim. I moved to Taiwan from Derry, NH. I used to engineer sessions mostly at Fleetwood in Revere, MA. I bet we know a lot of the same people.

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