3 SX-1s for sale


New Member
Apr 4, 2013
Gear owned
2 SX-1s and SX-1 LE
As much as I love these units, I'm selling in order to downsize the studio. I'd rather not sell them separately since there is so much stuff that goes with them.

Two SX-1 original full featured models.
One SX-1 LE for parts. (Not working)
One box of parts including motherboards, LCD display, various cards, faderboard with some faders, RAM, etc.
Two extra hard drives (80 gig I believe)
SX-1 manual and service manual.
Install disks V 1.52
Keyboards, mice, etc.
Everything I have SX-1 related.

The SX-1s are running fine. One has lines in the LCD screen and sometimes doesn't calibrate the faders properly. The other has a TDIF card installed.

$2,500.00 plus shipping charges.

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