Ableton Live fader issues


New Member
Jun 9, 2018
Gear owned
Tascam DM4800
Hey guys,

New Tascam DM4800-owner here!

I have to say I'm glad to be part of this great community, very helpful people and awesome stickies. It helped me a lot setting up the device, thanks for that!

I do, however, am pulling my hair out over an issue. For some reason I can't get the control to set up properly in Ableton Live. Transport works, Panning etc. works and channel 1-8 work perfectly as well. Now the weird thing is, channel 9-16 are doing the exact same thing as the first 8 faders. Same goes for faders 24-32. It's like they're the same three controllers.

In the midi setup I have selected the Tascam Remote 1, Remote 2 and Remote 3 channels with corresponding outputs. I know I have to select the Midi port 5,6 and 7 in some way, but Ableton doesn't let me change the midi port outputs.

Anyone here has any experience with running the DAW control smoothly in Ableton Live and might be able to help me out here?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I'm using the Steinberg MC configuration
Awesome! Indeed it was the Macky ControlXT that needed to be selected. Thanks!

For people who have the same problem with setting up remote control for Ableton Live:

Live -> Preferences -> MIDI -> Set Control Surface 1 to Mackie Control with the Inputs and Outputs set to Tascam DM4800 - Remote Port 1.

Set Control Surface 2 to Mackie ControlXT - With Remote Port 2 as inputs and outputs. And finally set the third Control Surface on Mackie ControlXT as well. With Remote 3 as in/out.

At least this solved my problem. For some reason selecting 3x XT didn't work for me, so this is what I have setup now. Everything seems to be working now, including Transport Controls and AUX faders etc.

Thanks again!
Glad you're up and running and welcome to the Forum.
Thanks! Looks like an awesome community. Proud to be part of it!

Happy mixing!

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