Analog Expansion Card

Dec 19, 2017
Gear owned
Ok, simple question...

Let’s say, I wanted to connect 24-32ch into something like a couple Focusrite RedNet 2, a Ferrofish A32 Dante or a Tascam ML-32 Dante interface via DB-25 to DB-25 or via DB-25 1/4 breakout cables could I:

Buy two or three more (assuming I have 1 already) IF-AN/DM Cards for 24-32 DB-25 based outputs? I’m questioning if more than one card can be used simultaneously on the DM4800 for a theoretical 32in /32out via DB-25 situation.


Is there a way I could flip the inserts or 1/4 line inputs to become line direct outs then use DB-25 1/4” breakout cables to connect to one of the Dante based interfaces above?

I’m wanting to get away from using the FireWire card. It’s a very convenient connection but I’m having intermittent problems with synchro between the DM4800 and my Computing rig no matter what chipset I buy. Also, I’m trying to become independent of the FireWire card on my DM-4800 just in case of card failure or worse, irreparable DM-4800 damage.

Plus, 3ms round trip latency via Dante PCIE-R card has been fantastic in another setup I have access to.
I find it really hard to believe no one else has thought of this scenario!? Guess I better reach out to Tascam...

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