Analog In and Out

Dave Smith

Apr 19, 2015
Gear owned
Hello all,

I'm very new to the DM 4800. I bought this board second hand and am unable to get any ANALOG both in and out of this board via the physicals. I've tried everything I could think of as far as routing is concerned. I AM able to get full DAW integration and control with the exception that I can not hear anything out of any of the ANALOG outs. Headphones, control room, etc.

Board is connected to my PC via the Firewire card SLOT 1 and I can see VU meters bouncing on both Main board Stereo LED's bridge and DAW respectively. I'm concerned there is an issue with the ANALOG board but am hoping I'm missing something in the signal routing. Is there an easy way to test AUDIO on this board?

Please help!
Have you hit the STEREO assign button? This has to be done for each channel you wish to monitor on the DM's stereo bus. The button is located on the Bus assignment pad. SELect each channel (push SELect key), then hit the STereo button respectively.

I was going to ask the same First Obvious Question, Captain. But then I thought, well, would the stereo meters be jumping? And then I couldn't be sure, so I bailed. Good on, sir... It needed to be asked.
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Hi guys and thanks for responding. Yes i ensured the stereo bus button was pressed for the channels. Is there any additional information I can give you that may help? I reached out to the guy who sold me the unit and he thinks it has something to do with the ADAT routing as that's how he was using the board . I have 2 ADAT cards and one FireWire card installed. I combed this forum thoroughly before I posted but didn't see anything that reflected my issue. I'm sure it's something I'm missing so please bare with me as I navigate this learning curve.
Maybe if you haven't already, save your current configuration and reset the board to default factory settings and start from scratch. That way you aren't contending with the previous owners workflow and connections.
From what I i've found the method to reset is as follows:

Power on holding down shift+bus1+bus2
Select sram init for factory hit enter
select sram init, hit enter

Is this the correct method?
Sounds very familiar. I believe that is correct
Thanks. Still nothing. Currently I have analog line ins going to channels 1&2.

Attached is my Routing Input Screen. I have audio going into CH1&2 via Line inputs on rear respectively. I should be seeing some indication of a signal correct?


  • Input screen.jpg
    Input screen.jpg
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Forget the DAW for the moment.. can you plug a mic into any input with your computer off and hear audio from your speakers and/or headphones? Make sure whatever input you select is going to stereo buss.
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That's what I have. Simple audio device (iphone with 1/8th TRS <-> 2x 1/4 TS going into CH1&2. No sound headphones or Stereo.... however I am getting source signal out of INSERT jack... Hard wired I'm sure.
You have a mic connected to XLR on Channel 1 with the Stereo Buss enabled and your master fader up and you don't hear anything? Add some gain on the channel and still nothing?

Or is your iPod connected to the LINE in BALANCED and you have LINE selector set to Line on that channel?
I have "iPod connected to the LINE in BALANCED"

Not sure where: "LINE selector set to Line on that channel?" Where do I verify this? Again I'm new to this board so take it easy on me :)..
...the selectors are above the Trim/Gain knobs of each channel... LINE would be moving the selector to the extreme right..
Oh.. Yes I have both 1&2 set to line. When I apply gain to the pot I get increased level out of insert connected device.....But nothing routing to Stereo Bus
Is STEREO lit on the channel you have iPod coming in on? Are you sure you are on the correct fader layer corresponding to the channels you are using?

why are you using inserts? Line device = line level input. Mic device = Mic XLR input.
Depending on cable tip/ring configuration, the insert jack for each channel can be either an input or output and should be avoided with what you are trying to do at the moment.
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Yes stereo is lit for both ch1&2

As far as inserts was just doing testing. Don't need that for my setup. Was just an FYI.
If you verified you have followed all of my suggestions then I don't know where else to go with this. Do you see meter activity on the monitor input screen for channels 1 and 2? Your board either needs servicing or you missed one of my suggestions.. It's really as simple as plugging in a MIC or Line level instrument, pressing the STEREO button on that channel to buss to the Master Stereo fader.. adjust your level input with the trim knob and making sure your master stereo fader is up...

You should hear something in your headphones for sure. Maybe I'm missing something? Is there further configuration that needs to be done on the Monitor screen setup? I don't think so.

Do you have STEREO input monitor selected? The selection just to the left of the SOLO volume knob?
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Unfortunately yes I verified all of your steps and see no input LED activity on channels 1&2.

I can however get LED activity via FireWire on channels and stereo bus. But no sound out of any analog ports headphones etc.
You don't need firewire card or a computer to hear sound. I would work this problem through in standalone mode. You should be able to plug in a mic and hear it through headphones and Control Room speakers without a firewire card, without a computer. Please try a microphone connected to XLR. Again if you are not missing any steps then I don't know where else to go with this. Again is STEREO INPUT MONITOR selected? (button left of SOLO volume knob)?

Maybe someone else can chime in in case I am missing something myself.
Yes the stereo input left of solo is lit. Ugh. So frustrating. How does the servicing process work out for folks do you know? How do I begin the process ?

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