Balance Issue...Possibly Midi not sure DM4800


Feb 11, 2014
London, UK
Gear owned
Hi Guys,

I am having a strange issue with the main L-R balance on the master Fader. I will set it to the centre position and it will just"Auto Pan" all the way to the left channel without any interaction. Initially I thought it was midi glitch as i noticed it after I added a Prophet 12 as the main controller in my setup.

I have disconnected the usb midi cable from the Mac and after a couple of songs from iTunes it does the same thing and "Auto Pan" all the way to the left. Not sure whats causing it to do that as i have remove and reset all midi devices nothing solved the issue. What am i doing wrong? Thanks for your help guys.


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    Balance Pan Issue .png
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What you are showing there isn't your master fader, but channel 1 and 2 linked in stereo.

That said, try clearing your automation memory, or turning automation Off for those channels.
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I had this problem too once with my DM3200 a few years ago. Once I cleared automation and made sure it wasn't engaged, it cleared the problem.
Thanks Guys, will give that a go.
I guess I'm a little late to this thread but I think that the channel linking may be the problem. If the channels are linked, the pan control for channel 1 will always follow the position of the pan control for channel 2 and vice-versa. So if channel two's pan gets moved left then channel one's will follow (and vice-versa!)

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