Big Knob


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2013
Gear owned
Tascam DM-3200
Hello everyone
Does anyone use the Mackie Big Knob Studio with the Tascam DM-3200? How would this be linked to the board? Do I use the Spdif? Thank you!
All of those monitor controllers are designed to go between the Control Room output of a mixing console and the monitor speakers (amplifier or powered).
@Guitarbin, generally, Devices like the Big Knob are used with mixers that don't have a monitor section or have a minimal one. It provides the ability to control the monitor output level, switch to other speakers, has outputs and level controls for one or more sets of headphones, etc.
Because the DM mixers do have a Monitor section, such devices are not always needed, though they can provide some additional functionality, such as the ability for additional speakers, headphones etc. In my case, I found I needed a headphone amp to feed four or six cue outputs when recording my friends than I did those other functions. I don't know if you already have a Big Knob or are considering getting one. I'm posting this in case you haven't purchased it yet so you can make a more informed decision. In other words, you don't need one unless you need to go beyond the abilities of the Monitor section already included with your DM mixer.
I bought my Big Knob so I wouldn't have to turn off my powered monitors while tracking with DP-24sd. It is just a passive router. So as mjk said...just put it between your main outs of the DM and your monitors. Or as skier says, maybe you don't really need it. I don't have a DM.

My DP-24sd shares space on the Big Knob with Reaper interfaced with a Behringer U-phoria. Made my life easier for sure. Enjoy.

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I have a JBL M-Patch, but I'm about to replace it with a Mackie Big Knob Studio Plus (it's on it's last leg and I've kept it going as long as I can).

My console does have a Control Room section. But, I have multiple sources, and also having the USB input from the computer direct to the studio monitors is invaluable. Some things have to be done in the computer using the UBS 2-mix output (like using RX8 to edit a track) and having the monitor controller is essential in that workflow. The Mackie Big Knob Studio controllers also have mic pres and that can be a life saver in situations where you just don't want to crank up the big mixing desk. Zoom/Skype calls with the controller's built-in mic pres will make a live streamer's life a lot easier.

I think that every studio could use a USB connected monitor controller.
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The Mackie Big Knob will suck the tone out of your audio I made the mistake of using one in the studio about 10 years ago and wondered why my monitors sounded so dull and lifeless. If you care about accurate signal reproduction and frequency response I would highly suggest that you don't put any low quality electronics in the signal chain between your monitors.
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Thanks everyone for your feedback I know the tascam has a controller for the monitor’s but thought having the big knob was easier. I like the fact that it has mic pres and other gadgets on it, I picked it up for 130$ and thought I’d give it a try. I still don’t see how it would work with the tascam though, I have 2 sets of monitors and the knob only has the inputs so does this mean the tascam is completely out of the picture if I connect the monitors on the knob?
Connect the control room outputs of the Tascam to the inputs (3/4) of the BK controller. Then plug all of of your monitors in the BK outputs. From that point on, you use the BK knob to control the volume of your monitors and use the monitor select buttons to change between the monitors. Set the level of the Tascam to something a bit low and let the BK do the rest. Keeping the Tascam level low can prevent overloading and accidently doing something really loud. Also, the less you use the knob on the Tascam, the less it will wear out. Bonus: if you want to hear your computer audio on the monitors, press USB.
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