Boot issue

Roger Ramos

New Member
May 23, 2020
Gear owned
Tascam Model 24
Hi all

I have just received a model24 (demo). FW version 1.3. When it turns on it gets stuck on the Tascam splash screen.

I can get it to go past this screen by powering it on with the enter button on the scroll pot pressed. It then goes to the channel volume screen.

Menu button doesn't work at all. When I insert a new SD card, it appears with "no sys file, Make sys file. Are you Sure?

I hit enter and nothing happens.

I'm just testing it so have no equipment plugged in. I'm guessing it's faulty, but it doesn't seem like hardware.

I formatted the SD on my PC, same issue.

Any ideas? Is there a way to factory reset? Have tried reading the manual..


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