Have pretty much got my head around this awesome desk in terms of getting stuff in and out of Logic but falling at the final hurdle ie getting the DM mix back to Logic to print. I know there is stuff on the forum about input Direct and similar but I’m not understanding why I can not hear anything back in Logic. I have tracks coming back to the board from Logic but I want to send these to the Bus layer on two channels and then record this as a mix stem. However in Logic I seem to only be able to select a single bus eg Bus 1 but no sound coming from Bus channel 1 from the board.
Am I being stupid and missing something - if anyone could give a quick idiot guide of how to do this it would be really heLpful. Not sure if I need to set some additional routing anywhere...
also one more question is whether it is not possible to use the EQ AND dynamics processing (and Fx) on channels 33 and above as the selection button is disabled. Can you only use the onboard processing channels 1-32?
Am I being stupid and missing something - if anyone could give a quick idiot guide of how to do this it would be really heLpful. Not sure if I need to set some additional routing anywhere...
also one more question is whether it is not possible to use the EQ AND dynamics processing (and Fx) on channels 33 and above as the selection button is disabled. Can you only use the onboard processing channels 1-32?