Cleaning the dm mixers?


Jun 1, 2014
Stavanger, Norway
Gear owned
Tascam DM 3200
Hey guys!
I have had the dm3200 for 12 years now. And suddenly started to think that maybe I should clean it, take away dust and other germs... How do you guys do it? What do you use and what's the best way to open the mixer?


Ps. Still loving the mixer! I still find new ways to route things.
@nightspirit I recently installed a 2seemy card in my 4800 and was pleasantly surprised to see how clean the inside was. There was very little dust so what I did seeing as I was in there was to use one of those aerosol dust off cans. Small jets of air while having the hose of my small shop-vac close to where the dust would rise. Worked out really well. Unless you work in a very dusty environment I don't see the need to go through all that trouble though. My two cents of course!
Ordered this the other day... a long soft brush...I'll let you know how it works.


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@rqstudio This looks like an attachment that I use with my central vac system. Will you be attaching this to a Shop Vac?
I usually give it a good spray down with my garden hose ;-)
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