Clock issue opening a PT session from a friends studio


Active Member
Sep 20, 2014
Gear owned
Tascam DM-3200
Hi all,

I had a friend record some tracks and he set me the PT files. when I open them in PTI get an error saying that the current playback engine doesn't support a sample rate of 48

If I change my DM-3200 to 48 and re-open the session I get a message saying that it can't support a playback of 44.1.

I'm running PT 11.3.1
Tascam DM-3200 firmware v 1.72b3
IF-FW/DM mkII v 1.10

The DM says it's connected (TMC companion is up and live with the console)
The IF-FW/DM mkII says locked and everything seems fine.

Is there something screwy with the sessions I received or am I missing something silly?

Thanks All!
Star a new session with DM set to to the desired sample rate. Record or import a a file and check that it plays back ok. Then attempt to load to the session.
thanks for the reply. That seemed to work. The I/O settings of the session appear to have hammered all of my routing, but at least I'm over the first hurdle
On Windows, you can often avoid the issue if you first set your desired sample rate before you launch PT. PT on Windows has an issue where if the same audio interface is assigned as the default Windows audio device and used for PT via ASIO, the WDM driver (non ASIO audio driver in Windows) has to be set to the same sample rate of PT or PT often chokes with confusion.

One other way to avoid the issue is to assign another audio device as the Windows default audio device or disable the Windows audio device.

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