Computer requirements?


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2020
Gear owned
388, MR16 1" tape,
Hi all,,, I'm new to this digital SD world, but a lifelong owner & engineer on big analog boardS w/2 Alesis HD24XR's, & mixing to CD. So, once I have my Model 24, what would be the least expensive, bare minimum requirements I would need to transfer/send all the WAV files to my mixing & mastering pal? He mentioned I-7 & 32gb ram minimum, but no other specs like HD space,,,, In time, I may want to do some on-screen mixing, and mastering, but I truly doubt it. Couldn't I just as well show to his studio with my SD card loaded with all the tracks, & he loads it all in, with total flexibility?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Kenny,

You're talking about 2 different things:

1. Taking files you exported from the Model 24 and emailing them to your friend.
2. "On screen mixing, and mastering" which implies using a computer for music production.

Not the same thing. At all.

If all you are doing is exporting wav files, virtually any computer can email them. Export your files to the SD card and use the library computer or your Android phone with a card reader for that matter. The computer has nothing to do with exporting the files from the machine. The machine does the export. You just transfer them to the computer using USB or a card reader.

As for the other, that's out of scope.
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