Controlling Cubase fader, mutes, record, transport

Will Miho

Oct 9, 2012
Gear owned
DM4800 DM24
Here is a pdf of Jon Kragh's long lost blog post on how he set up the DM24 as a generic remote in Cubase. It enabled midi control from the DM24 of the transports, record and mutes buttons, and faders. I recovered it using the Way Back Machine Internet Archive website. Luckily, they had once scanned it and it was there.
The PDF of his blog shows all the settings on Cubase and the DM24 you need to make, with screen shots. Make sure your midi connections are working first. ;)
This does not have to do with passing audio, this is using the DM24 as a 32 channel midi controller for in the box mixing basically.
You can see what the results are here:
There are zip files that include projects Jon created demoing his two 32 channel remote control set ups (no audio), which you just import into Cubase from wherever. These he has provided graciously on his dropbox at
When I got this working finally all I could say is "It's a beautiful thing." 32 channels! Yeah man!
That was about 2am this morning... !


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