Dd7 Guitar Delay Pedal Routing


Feb 15, 2015
Gear owned
Hi everyone,

I simply want to send a dry signal to my dd7 pedal using the Tascam dm3200.

Ive used the Assignable sends with varying degrees of success. But I'm not hearing back the same sound as i would on my Amp. I have also recorded the signal onto protools, and played it back from protools and it seems to have worked a little better... still not quite the same. I think somewhere along the line it is cutting the signal in half, but I'm not sure where.

Firstly, * Im plugging the dd7 into the assignable send. dd7 input (mono) - assign send 1, dd7 output (mono) - assign return 1.
* routing is set up so that ASN SEND goes to aux 1 - 4. then i set up channel 45 on the console to recieve the ASN send..

I turn up aux on channel 18 (dry signal) and then aux 1 knob. only a faint sound coming out of the delay pedal channel 45. .. I hope this makes sense. AUX channels are turned up in all the right areas, please help!
The most likely issue will be that a guitar pedal is not designed to take line level signals. A re-amping box would solve this issue.
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Thanks Arjan. Any ideas on routing the DD7 pedal for my purposes then with what i currently have? I unfortunately don't have a re-amping box. I just need a dry and a wet signal. But I want the wet signal to be as loud as when i use it in a normal guitar set up.
Maybe you can find some dB's: by turning channel 18 up (use a different channel for the dry signal), turning the channel's digital trim up, use the channels eq (flat) as an amplifier, turning aux1 up, and turning the aux1 master up.
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Whatever happened to plug and play :P .. I can try that, but something tells me part of the signal itself is missing, not just a volume problem.

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