Desperate Newby: Can Not Import error ... Tascam Hosed ... Is there a "Factory Reset" code

Stephen Jones

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2017
Gear owned
Tascam DP-32SD

I just got my Tascam DP-32SD 4 days ago, and after some easy successes in creating a couple of songs, I quickly got myself into a major jam.

After following the initial steps in the Quick Guide portion of the manual to create a simple throw-away song while learning the basics, I then went on to create my own first real song (CSN's "Wooden Ships") , recording at least 10 tracks. The final mixdown sounds great, and everyone (wife & friends) who has heard it has been impressed. (i.e. for a no-professional musician & sound engineer). So, although I haven't learned everything, I got off to a good start.

I have a number of really excellent mixdown tapes from my Fostex MultiTracker days (1990s). I converted them from cassette to wav digital files. My goal is to import them into the Tascam and add some newer, cleaner tracks with better separation and effects, and export the final mixdown back onto my PC for conversion to mp3.

-- I had been able to import files with no problems when creating my first song.

-- However, I then started getting all kinds of problems with the Tascam not recognizing any files I tried to import for the new songs. I went back and forth deleting and re-importing wav files.

-- At first the Tascam complained that the files were "Protected" even though I had never done anything to protect them, and they were made the same way as the previous ones that had no problem being imported. I remembered that I had just created the "template" file following the video that Phil had posted. My only use of this was to "Protect" the Template, and that was done prior to my attempt to import the new files. So I went back to the Template and made it unprotected. When I tried to import the new file, the message now changed to just say "Can Not Import." No explanation as to why, so I just started guessing and trying things.

-- On one occasion, when I tried to store a wav file to the SD card for import, my PC said the AudioDepot folder was corrupt. So I ended up going back onto the Tascam and doing a full Format on the SD card.

-- After doing the Full Format, I found a lot of odd changes that were radically different than the initial boot-up state. Also, the PC no longer recognizes the SD card, so I can't import any songs with it.

-- However, the Format seems to have also effect other functionality. When I went to assign inputs to tracks, tracks 1-8 and 11-32 had been assigned to input "A." However Tracks 9-10 are now totally un-assignable. i.e. if you select the stereo pair 9/10 and turn the Jog dial, nothing happens. Also, originally the unassigned tracks had a "-" on them. Now, they are just plain black squares.

- I went through each track to try to set them to defaults (e.g. set all pans to center as a starting point, etc). However, when I select Track 5, it immediately freezes the entire machine up until you crash the machine by pulling the plug (or switching off the surge protector). Also, the mixer display for Track 5 has dots all over the screen (it looks like it has the measles) right before it freezes everything up.

I searched on "Can Not Import" here and other websites and came across a number of posts that sounded very relevant. But I have tried a number of the ideas to no avail. (making file names simple and short , making sure bit rates, etc matched those of the original (successful) song I created on Tascam, et al. But nothing has helped.

If I did not need to use tracks 9/10, and had no concerns about the Tascam being in the original shipped st I might be able to get by. But my first project was to go through all of my old mixes and enhance them with the Tascam. That appears to be at a standstill now, as I have no way to import the tracks at all.

Luckily, I recognized the potential weakness of relying on SD cards, so I placed an order with Amazon for a 32G replacement card as soon as I got the machine, and that should arrive by the end of the week.

However, I don't know if a fresh new card could help clear up the fact that track 5 locks up the machine simply by being selected, without doing anything with it. The only thing I can think about is doing a "Factory Reset." However, I didn't see anything in the manual about doing this.

Is there anyway to do a "Factory Reset" to get everything back to how it was when I first unpacked the Tascam?

I am seriously questioning the wisdom of this purchase.

Stephen D. Jones
Perhaps read page 61 of your manual to start.

Also, the DP32 formats the SD card to FAT16 and 32 which makes it readable to a PC. I’d reformat and try again. It should also create several folders after a successful format. Lastly, and this practice should be applied to any device, make sure you’re using the latest firmware. In fact, updating to the latest firmware version is the first thing I’d do. Latest version was released last month.
As cmaffia says. I'd just add that if you use template songs as per the video, you must create new songs after loading the template as opposed to saving them under a different name. If the template is protected (as recommended), then doing a save as will retain the protection on the new song, whereas if you create a song, the protection state is not carried forwards. You can immediately see if a song is protected by the padlock symbol shown next to its name in the song list.
Another way of protecting songs inadvertently is to catch the tiny slide-switch on the side of the sd-card when you are inserting it. If it slides to the rear of the card, which is the way it would slide if it rubbed against the side of the socket, the whole card becomes locked.
Hi cmaffia & Phil! Thanks for the quick replies!

cmaffia: I read p. 61 and everything in the manual regarding SD cards before I even attempted to use the card. So I was aware of the SD card formatting, but as this was my first time, I assumed it would give you a choice, which it doesn't. So, every time (hopefully rarely) that you have to format a card, you need to do it once and check to see if it worked, and if not, format it a second time? odd.

I had already downloaded the two firmware files I found at Tascam -- however, I was not sure which one to use or what version my Tascam was currently running, so I held off until I could figure it out. I just found that in the Menu --> Information section and it says I am running 1.01 0006. That does sound low. What is the current firmware version I should look for?

Phil: Sorry, but I am sure I did not write as clearly as I wanted. I understand that the template is for creating a new song, not applying it to an existing song. That is what "templates" are for. It would not make any sense to apply a template to a pre-existing song. The only reason I brought that up was that I had never knowingly done anything to "protect" anything other than the template, and the songs got protected some time soon after I had just protected the Template. I was afraid my Tascam was defective and applied the protection to all of the songs, instead of just the template. But I think now that was clearly wrong.

I believe that your second suggestion is the correct one. Because I was putting the card in and out of the two slots (computer and tascam) repeatedly... especially when I had problems with the files and trying to repeat the imports... somewhere along the line, I must have accidentally moved the protect switch on the card.

When I came in this morning, I retried the save and import, and it worked fine. So likely I accidentally knocked the protect switch to "off" position -- again by accident.

However, after I inserted the card back into the Tascam, imported and loaded the new song, all of the other oddities were still there, i.e. stereo tracks 9-10 is still unassignable and Track 5 still is "measled" and locks up the computer.

So, based on both of your answers, my next steps are :

1. Do a new FULL FORMAT on the card. I probably need to do this first since the only way I can transfer the firmware file to the Tascam is via the SD card. (I have ordered the USB cable, but it won't arrive until possibly early next week. Don't know why they did not include the cable, since that is the better way of transferring files and would not leave the card open to damage during swap.)

2. Apply the newest FIRMWARE file.

Thanks a lot for all of your help! I feel a whole lot better about the Tascam now, as I am a nervous ninny -- especially regarding large $ purchases. I was afraid I might have to return the unit, which I really really really don't want to.

I will reply back when the situation is resolved.

Oh, Phil... I should have mentioned that I LOVE your videos. So far I have only gone through the first one and part of the second. But I plan on going through the whole series in order to learn everything I can about this awesome system!

As I said previously, upgrade your firmware first THEN reformat using the latest fiemware. It’s the one dated last month (v1.03).
cmaffia: I see from the download page that the most recent dated firmware is for 10/19, so I will use that one.

I re-read the information regarding FAT16 vs FAT32 and that seems to be dependent only on the size of the card. But that then I don't understand why it worked originally, but not after being formatted. Shouldn't the Tascam use the same file system format each time for the same card (depending only on its capacity, which does not change)?

And this certainly is the Peach: You have to read the previous release notes for 1.01 to find out how to apply the firmware. And then it only gives directions for using a USB cable, which Tascam/Musician's Friend did not include with my fancy DP-32SD Recorder/Mic/headphones etc package.

Unfortunately this can't use the standard Micro USB used by cellphones. It uses a "mini b" USB, which none of the local stores carry, so I was forced to order from Amazon, which will take awhile.

Does anyone know if there is any way to use the SD card to transfer and install a firmware file from PC? Otherwise, I guess I will have to wait until next week to use this any further. (Track 5 is still hosed along with the other issues even after reformatting. )

Also, I tested the new formatted card by inserting into my PC. It doesn't recognize it again. I pulled it out and moved the Protect switch in the opposite direction. It actually does not move that easy. However, the PC does not recognize the card no matter what position the switch is in.

I am getting very frustrated now.
cmaffia: Unfortunately, as I said, I have no way of updating the firmware if I can't use the SD card, as this Tascam did NOT come with the required USB "mini" cable and none of my cellphone or tablet cables fit it (they use a USB "micro" cable).
Thanks for the kind words Stephen.
Just to comment on your statement "It would not make any sense to apply a template to a pre-existing song". It might be labouring the point but it does make sense...

There are 2 ways to use a template:-
1. Load the template then Save and rename as your new song all in one operation.
2. Load the template then Create your new song.

My point was that if you used method 1, your new song would be protected. There's nothing wrong with either method - they both leave you in exactly the same state, i.e. the new song is the 'current' song, and all its settings have been carried forwards from the template.

The subtle difference is that method 1 also carries forwards the protection (if any) from the template, whereas method 2 does not. This means if you always protect your templates (as recommended), you have to remember to unprotect the new song before you can record on it. That's why I recommend method 2 as it's just simpler.

Re. updating the firmware, you need to copy the firmware file into the Utility folder on the sd-card, so you can physically move the card to the PC if you don't have a USB link.

Update: this link shows all the versions, and the "how to update" instructions are all there, so not sure where you are looking?
Thanks again, Phil! I see what you mean, although I agree with you that #2 would be the best way, and was what I got from your video as well.

> you need to copy the firmware file into the Utility folder
Cool! Once I can get my PC to recognize the card, I can try this. After reformatting and inserting the card into the PC, the card light no longer comes on at all and it does not recognize there is a card inserted. (I verified that the Protect switch is in OFF position)

I'll try rebooting the computer. I don't know why that would help, but when I did a fresh reboot this morning (before reformatting), it temporarily recognized the card.
I checked with Amazon, and my USB cable and new SD 32G card should arrive on Friday (along with the Footswitch). So hopefully I can resolve these issues then by using the USB to install the newest firmware and then formatting both of the cards and see if that helps.

Thanks again cmaffia and Phil!

Hi Phil,

I need to apologize to you regarding the "Factory Reset" question. I had watched the first two videos, and #2 does briefly mention the factory reset using Preferences -> "Initialize." At the time, I did not think I needed it so I paid no attention. I just focused on creating the Template you recommended.

I have been battling 4th state esophageal cancer and on pain medications since 2012. So my short-term memory is virtually non-existent. That's why I did not remember some things, like the Factory Reset, SD formatting, etc. Its not that I did not read the manual. Its that by the time I had hit the problems, I needed to re-read the relevant portions and review your videos.

However, during my "forced sabbatical" from using the Tascam, I went back to the tutorials to watch #3a, and you mention the Factory Reset there, along with a reference to the earlier video (#2).

So I did the factory reset, and lo-and-behold the problem with Track 5 getting the "measles" (Mixer display for #5 is covered with spots) and freezing the machine went away.

Of course, I still can't access the SD card, but I can wait now for my USB cable. Amazon is now saying it will arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon or early evening, and the new SD card by Friday. So hopefully I will be all set then.

So I guess it's back to the awesome videos for tonight and tomorrow!

Ok Stephen, I think it's cmaffia who needs the apology as he suggested page 61 right at the start, and that describes how to do a factory reset :) Anyway, a duff/corrupted card and/or out-of-date firmware can cause strange problems so hopefully you'll have better luck soon. Just take it slow and methodical and I'm sure you'll sort it out.
Well, for some reason, after shutting down last night and rebooting this afternoon, my PC now recognizes the card again. So I copied & installed the 1.03 (10/19) firmware and it now says "1.03 0014" in the information menu. I was also able to copy over a few song files.

Oddly enough though, the "Assign" screen still shows the unassigned tracks as black -- not grey with dashes as it was originally when I turned it on the very first time.

Maybe I am not understanding this right, but it seems like the section on "Assigning inputs to stereo tracks" on p. 33 (Basic Recording) is saying that you can assign a different input to each of the tracks in a stereo track pair. e.g. For the 9-10 Stereo Track Pair, Stereo Track #9 could be assigned Input A, while Stereo Track #10 could be assigned Input B. However, it will only allow me to assign an Input to Track 9, while Track 10 remains a black (unassignable) square.

Is that right?
Well, now this really IS getting frustrating. It appears that alot of my problems are due to the Tascam "Format" software being inconsistent. I say that because when I first started hitting problems (likely due to not having the latest firmware) I then Formatted the card. I have found that after formatting the card, sometimes it is fine and other times it is no longer valid... and my PC won't recognize it.

After installing the new firmware and still finding the oddities (e.g. no dashes in the unassigned tracks), I figured that maybe the card needed to be Formatted again while the Tascam was running the updated Firmware. After doing that, however, the Tascam was frozen again and I had to crash it by pulling the power to shut it down.

When I rebooted, it said "File Not Found -- Make Sys File?" I said "yes" and then it told me the card is invalid. I was, however, able to get to the "SD" screen so I did another "Quick Format."

Now its working again, although still showing the anomaly on the ASSIGN screen.

Well, I seem to have come full circle. I just copied two song files into the AudioDepot. When I tried to "Import" them on the Tascam, one song was fine. The other said "Can Not Import" again. As far as I know, the two files were created in exactly the same way with exactly the same PC Multi-track software.
Oddly enough though, the "Assign" screen still shows the unassigned tracks as black -- not grey with dashes as it was originally when I turned it on the very first time.

Why is this an “oddity” or an “anomaly”? Does this change affect functionality? It sounds like a change due to the firmware upgrade..

Your PC inconstantly not reading your SD card is not a Tascam issue, it’s either your PC or SD card that’s the culprit. Try reading it on another computer and troubleshoot before confusing the situation by reformatting so often. Maybe with all the swapping, you inadvertantly damaged the card.

As far as the import issue goes, not enough info. Could be user error, could be the type of file you’re importing (bit & sampling rates). No idea if you’re doing the export properly...or again, maybe the card is damaged.

Keep trying and good luck.

>Why is this an “oddity” or an “anomaly”?
Because it wasn't like that before all this stuff started happening. And, no it did not start after upgrading the firmware.

However, after I upgraded firmware and did the second Format (Quick) , then imported a song into the Tascam, the ASSIGN returned to its old grey boxes (not black) with dashes (not blank) for the unassigned. I have no idea why, but everything is looking good at the moment.

Obviously it needed the firmware update and the card must have gotten screwed up somehow when I formatted it before the upgrade.

My PC has never had problems with any other card. After I did the last reformat, the PC has been finding it ok.

I pulled in a version of Norwegian Wood that I had been recording with my old software using Sitar, Tabla, Tamboura and acoustic Guitar on it. I just used the Tascam to add a bass line, with some keyboard strings and calliope. It came out pretty good without any glitches from the Tascam.

So I think I am set for awhile.

Thanks again!
Are the black squares due to the stereo tracks being set to mono?
39.jpg 41.jpg 42.jpg
If so, and you haven't done this intentionally, sounds like the factory reset has not been done... more likely your card is faulty/incompatible as cmaffia suggests. Note the assign & mono/stereo settings are saved with each song. I would do a full format to make sure the card is completely refreshed.. be prepared to leave it about an hour for a 32GB.

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