DM 24 Error message


New Member
Mar 7, 2013
Gear owned
Tascam dm24 and lots of stuff
On My DM 24 all of a sudden I can't save or delete any of my library's.
a message of error (6) shows up every time I hit enter.
anyone have a clue what this means ?.
also in diagnostics if I was to hit (clear Flash) would that delete all my files on the board?

PS its a memory error
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"Clear flash" : you must not clear it unless you change the flash IC (the bug itself) :!:
Clear flash only clears the counter that counts the number of cycles you use this memory.

On diagnostics use the SRAM INIT.

from Tascam service manual said:
This procedure clears the area of SRAM where is recorded the
number of times the FLASH ROM has been written on.
The FLASH ROM life is rated to 100,000 of write times, so the
information on how many times the FLASH ROM has been
written on is essential to being aware of its precise remaining
useable life.
This information is visible on the PREFERENCE sub-screen
under the OPTION screen.
Beware: Running the following procedure clears the information
about the number of times the FLASH ROM has been written
on. Also beware: The number of times you repeat the following
procedure is recorded on the SRAM. This record, however, is
NOT erased by SRAM INIT.
So what do I do to fix it? I have no idea

I did go to Scram init and hit enter and had to put all my settings back in place and it still wont let me delete or save any file settings in the librarys. I have had the board a long time and have replaced a few things my self like the battery and the screen but this is a totally new problem :?
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Mark, the instructions for resetting a DM24 to factory settings are on page 15 of this document. It's called "Initialization process." ... _16_02.pdf

You boot into diagnostic mode, "SRAM init" then "Flash information clear" and exit after which the DM24 reboots, says Tascam. Berl's quote from the service manual about not using "flash information clear" must be out of context, one should not do this by itself perhaps, but you need to do this to restore factory settings when doing an SRAM INIT. All of us longtime DM24 owners who have upgraded our firmware over the years have done this ( I have 4 times IIRC from 1x to 3.0.)

From page 15 of this document

1. With the power OFF hold down the 2nd F button (far left of the board), the HIGH button (just above in the EQ section) and the – button (just to the right in the LIBRARY section) while you turn the power ON.
2. The DM-24 will boot to DIAGNOSTIC MODE. As soon as you see DIAGNOSTIC MODE on the display you may release the 2nd F, HIGH and – buttons.
3. Use the “Down cursor key” to move the indicator to SRAM INIT (NOT SRAM INIT for factory TEST) and press ENTER.
4. Press ENTER again to confirm when prompted. A check mark will appear in the box next to SRAM INIT on the display.
5. Use the “Down cursor key” to move the indicator to FLASH INFORMATION CLEAR and press ENTER.
6. Press ENTER again to confirm when prompted. A check mark will appear in the box next to FLASH INFORMATION CLEAR on the display.
7. Use the “Down cursor key” to move the indicator to EXIT and press ENTER. This will reset the DM-24 back to the original factory settings and the DM-24 will reboot."
Search the files for Tascam DM-24 Service Manual on this forum.
Read page 19.


The mistake (also done in the update info) is commonly done by non-electronicians.
A flash memory has not an infinite number of erase/write cycles and the software must know if he can write the data in a secure way. If your flash memory has been used a lot, the info could be lost, so keeping a track of the "lifetime" of the flash memory is important.
When its lifetime is over, it was planned to change the flash memory chip THEN clearing this register "flash information". I think now that this flash chip is obsolete, and you won't be able to find one now...
So if you want to clear this information it won't clead DATA, just erase/write cycle information.

Here is the page 19 of the service manual (this service manual is normally intended for electronicians) :

Berl, this information is totally out of context. You do not clear flash ram by itself, no, never as a separate procedure.
However to reset the console as per the document I quoted above, which all of users were instructed to do to update the operating system or to reset the console, you do both an SRAM INIT _and_ clear the flash ram.
If you do not not clear the flash ram, you do not reset the console. If you doubt me on this - and many of have done this many times - call Tascam and ask them.
Please don't be so stubborn. You are a newbie on the DM24 you should be a little more circumspect when longtime users with documents to back them up tell you something.
Do you sometimes READ the messages ?????? NEVER
You always answer aside of what was said.
You don't trust Tascam ingeneers and electronicians that know their job: I don't care.
I see you mismatch RAM and ROM.
You don't read sentences till the end.
So I answer now with short sentences.

Flash memory will not be cleared by "clear flash information".
It does not clear flash data, but just resets a write count.

Please don't be so stubborn. You are a newbie on the DM24 you should be a little more circumspect when longtime users with documents to back them up tell you something.
I am not a newbie : I own 7 DM-24 and a DM-4800 and I use them for years, don't worry. I also repair them as a technician. I keep them in perfect condition: I changed screens, faders, a lot of switchs, rotary encoders, some input boards, changed all the condensators on the digital power suppy unit and also some analog ones...

My reference is the Tascam service manual and Sennheiser Tascam technician here in Paris.

Please follow the lead by Will Miho. He is a very experienced user and technical oriented. He has used and repaired the DM-series from Day one. he is allso a engineer who works on national broadcast material.

He has used these guidelines and speaks from experience. I understand you have found the manual and try to put it to good use. But please let Will here take the lead as I know for a fact he is right... If not I'm quite sure a engineer from Tascam will discover this thread... And set us straight. This subject has come up on older tascam fora. And the answer Will Miho gives is per Tascam's technical staff's advice!!!

He his probably very well famed.
I have had the confirmation I was right from the Tascam tech here in France. Never mind, the tech said this parameter is now useless and the flash memory will never been changed any more on an obsolete desk.
I have always been polite with him, and I got "stubborn, newbee" and other pleasant words in another thread. That's not fair from this man (not being an engineer in electronics I am aware)
Berl, at the very least you have to read the documents, which are on Tascam's website, which we all followed to reset our consoles and upgrade the operating system. If you're a tech, you should be more careful with your advice.
There are two of them. Two, Dude!


"DM24 DOWNLOADS UPDATE INSTRUCTIONS" "dm24_v3update_iffwdm_only" ... m_only.pdf

They both conclude that after installing new firmware via MIDI, that -

" will need to initialize your DM-24....

1. With the power OFF hold down the 2nd F button (far left of the board), the HIGH button (just above in the EQ section) and the – button (just to the right in the LIBRARY section) while you turn the power ON.
2. The DM-24 will boot to DIAGNOSTIC MODE. As soon as you see DIAGNOSTIC MODE on the display you may release the 2nd F, HIGH and – buttons.
3. Use the “Down cursor key” to move the indicator to SRAM INIT (NOT SRAM INIT for factory TEST) and press ENTER.
4. Press ENTER again to confirm when prompted. A check mark will appear in the box next to SRAM INIT on the display.
5. Use the “Down cursor key” to move the indicator to FLASH INFORMATION CLEAR and press ENTER.
6. Press ENTER again to confirm when prompted. A check mark will appear in the box next to FLASH INFORMATION CLEAR on the display.
7. Use the “Down cursor key” to move the indicator to EXIT and press ENTER. This will reset the DM-24 back to the original factory settings and the DM-24 will reboot. "
The Service Manual info you posted Berl, written back at firmware V1.51 (manual version 1.5) is superceded by Documents Tascam later published for installing firmware versions 1.61, 2.0, 2.01, 2.03, 2.10, and 3.0.
Will is absolutely right in this respect.
I myself used the Tascam docs a lot of times to reset my console or reseat the eproms.

BTW I bought my DM24 secondhand, the console worked fully until I got it home in my studio (years back in 2007). Became the exact same error while trying to store or load library entries.

What I did, after reading this forum and all Tascam docs, opened it up and reseated the three eproms. Problem was gone forever.
Its been awhile since I have been on here and I do appreciate your answers, I tried a few things but ended up buying another one on ebay but I am going to try and fix the other so I have it as a back up....Thanks again
The contacts oxidize in the PROM sockets.Also the pins on the PROMS are very easy to bend so they don't make good contact with the sockets.
I know this is an old post. I'm getting this message on my dm 24:

"out of sram range ch1 (92) eq sw"
I have already replaced my eproms and completed a "SRAM INIT"
I'm stuck, please help

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