DM 3200/4800 - Windows 10 Compatibility - My Final Results

@Santiago Mora Hello. Unfortunately, at the moment I am using my 4800 with Logic Pro X. I am sure that someone will read your post and try to assist you.
@Santiago Mora, But it would be better to create a separate topic for this, since it has no direct relation to this topic's subject (Win 10 Compatibilty).
I posted here because i have Win 10 and I just need help with i asked, hope you can help me.
@Santiago Mora as @Arjan P said, your issue is not with Windows 10, but with Protools crashing. Did you cross post elsewhere?
I don’t know elsewhere post, I just need help with that, and I don’t know if is Win 10 problem or Protools itself. Can you tell me elsewhere can I post o ask for my problem? Thanks.
@Santiago Mora you should start a new thread in this forum. More people will see it if it has its own title.
I had a great experience with my previous computer that had TB2 onboard. I used an apple TB2 to FW800 adapter along with a FW800 to FW400 cable and this was a flawless setup at low latency. On my newest computer build, with TB3, I leaned there's no TB3 to FW800 adapter and using TB3 to TB2 to FW800 to FW400 was a bridge too far and had all kinds of latency problems. I tried everything under the sun to get it working satisfactorily. Eventually my choices were to keep buying motherboards with compatible TB cards available to get a combo that worked or buy a new interface that was TB from the start. I've made lemonade out of lemons though. I am more capable than ever and often consider selling my FW card but I can still use it with my macbook the few times a year when I need it.

So my latest build has the TB3 and I'm curious on what you were able to get working from a TB3 on Win10. . or did you? That is, to be more specific, Did you use TB3 and Windows 10 and the DM board without the FW card in the PC? or not? And if so, which driver did you succeed with?

If I misunderstood completely let me know. It is interesting to me if the TB3 port can support the DM with Win10.
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hello ,
Is there anyone can tell me where can I find the IF-FW/MKII FireWire/ASIO Driver (V1.30f9.) ? I WOULD REALLY APRECIATE
thank you !!!
Is there anyone can tell me where can I find the IF-FW/MKII FireWire/ASIO Driver (V1.30f9.) ? I WOULD REALLY APRECIATE
thank you !!!
Do you need this one specifically? It's not the newest one...

Once again I'd like to vote for a dedicated place here in the forum, where we at least could find legay drivers with ease.
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Hello SNAFU ,
First thank you for you answer , i would like to have the newest one i thought that V1.30F9 was the last one for windows 10

thank you !!
If you're still looking for the latest driver, it's here:
Sorry, for the mediafire link - I don't exactly like mediafire, but I am not allowed to upload here (not even images)...

It's afaik declared as "beta", but for me it works real fine - it even solved some older issues I had with the fw driver.

The version number is 176851.
You're welcome.
If perhaps someone of the admins follows this post: wouldn't it be a good opportunity to have a place where the old drivers can live happy ever after? I know, this is a job Tascam's supposed to do - unfortunately they don't, and unfortunately driver 176851 is not on the official download page. I know, I know, I come up with this once a while, but...just saying.
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If perhaps someone of the admins follows this post: wouldn't it be a good opportunity to have a place where the old drivers can live happy ever after?

A single repository for files does sound like a good idea on the surface, and it's been discussed several times before, but always in the context of having Tascam do it right. I don't claim to speak for the owner of the site, but, besides it taking up server space, when you consider all the Tascam products in the wild, it would be an administrative nightmare trying to keep hundreds of files organized and updated (because there are both firmware and driver files). And then, there's the liability issue of what I like to call "All I Know Is...." You know the routine: "All I know is, it stopped working when I installed the firmware from your site."

Many of the Forum users keep such files in their personal archives and very kindly make them available for others. That's probably the best way. Personal websites are good for that.

But, I do agree with you @snafu. And when I go looking for firmware myself, I have to check every single Tascam site in the world because they all have different versions, and there is no single site that has everything.
Thanks for clarifying, mjk - I can understand your objections, and they do make sense.
Maybe my viewpoint is too narrow, but regarding the DM3200/4800 I am not sure, if there are tons and tons of files. If we would include all Tascam products ... oh boy, nightmare would be a bit of an understatement ;-)

Many of the Forum users keep such files in their personal archives and very kindly make them available for others. That's probably the best way.
That's so true! This is how I got my driver version in the first place. I came across many forums on many subjects, but this forum here is for me one of the best - if not the best. In fact, it's the only forum I'd testify to be a real community in the best sense of the word!
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Hello Everybody ,
something happened to me .
I have windows 10 Tascam dm 3200 and the IF-FW/MKII FireWire/ASIO Driver (V1.30f9 , everything was working perfectly , until 2 days ago .
When I turned on back my computer now I have a message on my dm 3200 telling me that the driver is offline . card status : ok.
I wnet on the device manager and I don't see the IF-FW/MKII FireWire anymore.
I uninstalled the driver cleaned the computer , uninstalled the Tmc too .
reinstall the driver , everything look good during the installation , restart my computer and still have the same problem .
I checked my fire wire cable , everything is ok . My fire card on my computer is working good too with the legacy driver .
I repeat the installation few times even changing the driver version and everytime I have the same issue .
If someone has a suggestion , or a solution I will appreciate .

Like I said everything was working fine and the next day I had this situation , I did not do any update or download any new software nothing !!!!

Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ samsamo: Dude, this sounds horrible, I know - if been down that road too! But keep your head up, I am almost certain there is a solution, since many here on the board use the exact same combination!

So let's go at it:
- how is your DM3200 connected to your computer (onboard Firewire connection? If so, brand of the board / dedicated Firewire-card? If so, which one?
- Did you recently update Win10?
- Did you update your mainboard, graphics card or firewire drivers?
- Changed settings at BIOS level?

In any case: do you have the possibility to return to a previous state of your system prior to the day the difficulites appeard?

Also: please post your firmware version of the DM3200 AND the driver version of your IF-FW DM MKII! Only recently Microsoft got rid of some drivers for legacy hardware - driver 176851 is running rock solid on my Win 10 Pro. AFAIK it is the latest and is ever sinced labeled as "beta" - but as I said: it's doing absolutely fine! Definitively go for this one.

Also check your firewire cable! If there is some damage to it, your DM3200 would still state the card as "OK" (because the card would be), but the real evil would be a broken cable. Maybe check this one first!

Good luck,
Hello Snafu I will send all the information later today after work thank you for your answer !!!
@samsamo How about your power up sequence?
Hi Peter ,
first thank you for your answer .
I usually turn on the dm 3200 and after the computer !!
Am i doing this the right way ?

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